Chapter 6

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Phil's POV

I wasn't in a form with Chris or Dan or PJ. I had a different form, with the people who I'd been friends with in primary school and moved here with in year 7.

It's funny to think how much we've all changed, and how I used to see them as my best, my only, friends.

It's also funny that one by one, they've decided that they are, in fact, complete twats and I probably haven't had a proper conversation with any if them in years. Even though we see each other every single day, for at least 30 minutes.

Chris and PJ are in the same form. They've been friends for years, it made it a bit difficult for me to fit in at first, but they always accepted me as a friend.

I was really looking forward to lunch, as I did every day because it was part of the little time I got to see Chris, PJ and Jamie every day. Even more today though, because it meant I got to see Adrian, and best of all, Dan.

I was glad Adrian was here. Not just because of Dan, but also because it was clear Jamie was going to be happier. she used to lie to us, telling us she was fine. She even lied to herself when she used to get bullied.

She'd tell herself she deserved it, or it was just banter, or some other stupid excuse. All because she was different. Well, I guess Adrian's different too, right? If I believed in fate, I'd say that's what it was down to.


Seeing as Dan had only been in School a day, I still didn't know if we had many lessons together. I was currently studying media, photography and graphic design. I didn't think to ask what Dan was studying...

PJ, Chris and I all had media studies together, then PJ would go off to do science and Chris and I went for graphic design.

Dan was in a different form to all of us, I wasn't sure which though, I just hoped the people were remotely nice to him.

After form time, (which I spent listening to music) I headed to my first lesson, media studies.

As soon as I got there my day got brighter, as I saw Chris and PJ sat laughing together in the corner we usually sit in. Chris as PJ were so close, and their friendship was so platonic you could often mistake them for a couple. Especially in PE when they would play fight and get sent out.

I headed over and sat next to them. I didn't bother scanning the room, I knew who else was there. I'd been going to school with them all for 6 years.

"Hey Phil!" PJ grinned.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" I asked, but PJ just looked at Chris and they burst into a fit of giggles.

"You know what... I don't think I want to know." I laughed, rolling my eyes at the pair. We sat down in our respective places and waited for sir to start the lesson.

"Good morning everyone, I think today we have someone new with us, is Dan here yet?" My ears pricked up, Dan was in our media class? Great!

"Hmm, he must've gotten a bit lost. So you all know what you're doing, we're still working on the movie trailer projects, so whenever you're ready you can carry on with that!"

Immediately the room began to buzz with different conversations and plans being made.

A minute later, the door was slowly pushed open, to reveal a slightly lost looking Dan.

"Is this media studies?" he asked sir.

"Yes, you must be Dan! Its nice to meet you. we're doing group projects at the moment. Do you want to pick a group or I can place you in one?"

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