Chapter 1

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Jamie's POV

I stared at the iron gates with disgust.

I hate it here, in this hell hole. It's such a waste of time.

I felt someone push past my shoulder, making me drop a couple if folders I was holding.

"Jesus excuse you, dick head." I said under my breath, just loud enough for the guy to hear.

"Oooo terribly sorry posh bird. I will be more careful next time!" He laughed, mocking my accent.

I'd lived here all my life, but still I didn't have the typical accent like everyone else. It's not like I was posh, I just had the ability to pronounce my words correctly. Apparently that's not a good thing... for some reason.

I bent down to pick up my folders, before trudging through the gates and into school.

I didn't exactly have 'friends' here. Sure, I had a few people who I could sit with at lunch and I got on with, but most of them were fake as.

I didn't get bullied here, but it's not like I was noticed.

I kept myself to myself, and just tried to stay on reasonably good terms with as many people as possible.

"Heeeeeeeey Jaaamiiie!!"

Right on queue.

"How's ya doing?" the high pitched voice squeaked in my ear, as Olivia or 'call me livvy' linked arms with me.

Don't get me wrong, she was a decent enough person, but annoying as anything.

I plastered a fake smile onto my face and turned to face her.

She was one of the 'favourites' in the year. She had a smiley face, slim with big brown eyes. Naturally tanned skin and thick brown hair, which fell round her shoulders in long loose curls.

"Hi Livvy. I'm good thanks... you?" I asked awkwardly. I never knew what to say to these people.

"Good, got to go!" she squeaked as she ran off to her group of friends.

"Oh it was nice talking to you, I'll see you later? Yeah I'll see you later!" I muttered to myself, carrying on the conversation.

I went straight to my form room and dumped my bag on one of the tables, before retreating to my friends.

"Hey." a couple of them chimed. they were all deep in some sort of giggling conversation.

"What's going on?" I asked them, not really interested but I thought I should ask to pass the time.

"There's a new guy,"

Here we go.

"And apparently he's REALLY attractive. He's in the English office with miss at the moment getting his timetable and lunch card and everything. He has an older brother in the year above, he's pretty fit too if you ask me" one of the girls, Emily piped up.

Jesus christ.

"Oh, sounds great." I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. To be honest, I really couldn't care less.

Just another guy to add to the list of people to avoid.

If he really was good looking, he would be reeled in by the 'popular' people and turned into a complete nob head.

I almost feel sorry for the guy, if our roles were reversed I would be scared as hell.

Form time passed slowly as always, me being anti social on my phone as I half listened to everyone else make a fuss over the new guy.

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