Chapter 9

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Jamie's POV

I lay on my bed listening to Sleeping With Sirens as I waded through twitter. I wasn't there long before my phone started to ring. I didn't bother looking at caller ID and just picked up straight away, still scrolling through twitter.

"Yep?" I said lazily.

"Honestly J, you have the worst phone manner ever."

"Hey Adrian."

"Hey little J. I was just wandering if you wanted to do something tomorrow?"

"What's tomorrow?"

"Saturday, Jamie. I thought just park and maybe wander onto town?"

"Yeah sounds great."

Brilliant, a day with Adrian. even though he would never like me back, at least I still got to spend time with him.

"Oh and, is it alright if Brigitte an Amelia come too?"


"Yeah sure that's fine. They seem nice, it'd be good to get to know them."

Not a complete lie. They did seem nice, especially Amelia, and it would be good to have some more friends, but I couldn't make myself like Brigitte, just on principle. She seemed nice and all, but Adrian clearly had a thing for her.

"Great! Come to mine around 10:30 tomorrow?"

"Be there."

"Bye little J!"


I hung up and buried my face in my pillow. Tomorrow was going to be torture.


I got to Adrian's house around 10:30 like he said, and rang the bell. I waited for a couple of seconds before a curly-haired Dan opened the door.

"Hey Dan!" I said and he gave me a hug, inviting me inside.

"Nice hair by the way." I winked and ruffled his hair.

"I look like a hobbit. Adrian's not up yet, sorry, I think 10:30 was a bit ambitious of him. He's just so desperate to see this girl again." He said.

"It's alright, I'll just chill here until he's up if that's alright?"

"Yeah that's fine. We'll go and jump on his head if he's not up soon anyway. Toast?"

"I'm good thanks." I sat down on one of the stools as Dan made himself breakfast.

"So what's going on with you, Jamie?" He asked, leaning against the counter and sipping a mug of coffee.

"How do you mean?"

"Well Adrian's all hung up on this girl, Brigitte or something, is there anyone out there for you?"

"Some dick made a pass at me in science but apart from that, no one. Adrian just got lucky that he met Brigitte. She must be really amazing." I said, forgetting myself and letting sarcasm drip from my voice.

"Don't you like her?"

"No, I mean, yes, she's lovely, but she's not..."

"... Not you?" How could he tell?

"Am I that obviously pathetic?" I said, covering my face with my hands.

"No, but I can spot a crush from a mile away. It really sucks to like someone you don't or can't have." There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Who do you like that you can't have?" I asked softly.

"No one. Just some guy, it's not important though."

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