Chapter 7

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Phil's POV

Okay, I was jealous of that girl. There. I've said it. I mean, Dan deserves so much better than me; he deserves a beautiful girl with perfect hair and perfect teeth and a perfect figure and a perfect personality. I had none of those traits.

My hair hid most of my face and I had to straighten it to control it. My smile left a lot to be desired, I hated it so much, especially when my younger stuck out to the side when I laughed. I definitely did not have the perfect figure, which I felt self conscious about just about every day. And last of all, I'm not a girl. Clearly.

At the 3:30 bell, I left school and began to traipse home on my own. I'd decided not to wait and walk with Chris and PJ. Not today.

I was just about home, when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.


"Hey, Phil? It's Jamie."

"Oh hi Jamie what's up?"

"Um... I kind of wanted to talk to you about something... But in private? Can I meet you at the park or something?"

"Sure, I'll be there in 5."

"Thanks Phil. Bye!"

I hung up and sighed a little. Dont get me wrong, Jamie was one of my best friends, but I was kind of planning on going home to wallow in self pity.

I guess selfish time would have to wait for later.

As soon as I got to the park I noticed Jamie sitting in the middle of the field.

She'd taken her hair down and it hung across her face as she stared at the screen of her phone. She was still in her uniform, with her shirt sleeves rolled up and, as always, collections of bracelets and ribbons were wrapped round her arms.

I want and sat in front of her, cross legged and parted her hair like curtains so I could see her face.

"Hey Phil!" She giggled and pushed her hair back off her face.

"Hola. What's up?" I had to admit, I was a little worried, Jamie never really asked to talk in private unless it was something serious.

"Well... you know how Dan and Arian just moved here?"

"Jamie, just cut to the chase, I'm starting to get worried." I said softly. I keep getting flashbacks to the last time Jamie asked to speak in private.

It was just after her brother and his girlfriend had both been killed in a car accident. She didn't talk to anyone for weeks, and according to her parents she didn't speak to them either. When she finally did speak to me, she broke down completely and had a panic attack, and had to stay in hospital for a while to come to terms with everything.

"No no no!" Jamie rushed, as realisation of what I was thinking spread across he face.

"Nothing like that! I was just going to say... well, I think I might have a crush on Adrian."

I let out a sigh of relief and a small laugh. A crush. I'd been getting worried, about a crush.

I leant forward and pulled Jamie into a hug, as she buried her face in my shoulder.

"What made you decide to tell me?" I asked her.

"Well, you ARE my gay best friend after all, I need someone to talk to about boys!" she giggled, and I laughed with her.

With other people I was quite reserved when talking about my sexuality, but Jamie was probably the only person I was completely myself around. I was always the one she would come to for advice on boys, just like she was who I went to.

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