Chapter 10

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Phil's POV

"Philly!!" a vaguely familiar high-pitched voice yelped behind me. And, of course, me being the idiot I am turned round immediately I see where it had come from. I could have so easily pretended I didn't hear, but no.

"Hey Livvy." I smiled at the spindly, over made-up girl who had attached herself to my arm. "How are you?" I cringed at the thought of what I had planned.

"Not so great." She pouted. Oh here we go...

"What's up?" I asked, trying my hardest to sound concerned. I thought it was about as convincing a shit, but Livvy seemed to buy it.

"I'm so lonely Phil. I don't have a boyfriend because I'm way too ugly to ever get one." She battered her eyelashes and attempted to look adorable and vulnerable.

"That's not true, your beautiful, any guy would be lucky to have you!" I lied.

"Like what guys?!" She exclaimed, wow this girl was forward. I decided to plal along with whatever she was trying to do; I might as well get this over with.

"Well, me?" i said, making myself sound nervous but also confidend, while inside i was screaming. I so didn't want to do this, but I so didnt want to show who Ireally was. Saying it like that makes it sound like im another breed of human, an outcast, an alien... I really hate society sometimes.

"Are you asking me out?" Livvy asked, twirling a lock of brown hair round her finger.

"Do you want me to be asking you out?" I always tried to say it differently, find the way I wanted to ask out the person I really wanted to be my boyfriend.

So far I'd gone for all the cheesy ones, the ones i knew I would never use, purely because they amused me. this one wasn't the cheesiest I'd ever used, but it was definately up there.

Livvy just smiled at me, then leant forward, kissing my cheek and whisperen in my ear "yes." Before turning and walking away, swinging her hips and flicking her hair expertly. I grimaced- another two weeks of hell. Two weeks of constantly pretending to be straight, before i could finally end it with this girl. Call me cruel, but judging by the length of her skirt, she'll findsomeone else pretty soon.

I looked round, just hoping for someone, anyone, to talk to. Seeing as I didn't really know Livvy I'd just decided to ask her during school hours, saves me the hassle of actually going out of may way to meet up with her. Luckily, I'd arranged to meet up with Jamie and Adrian for lunch, and just as I was looking round I saw Jamie making her way towards me.

"Hey Jamie, wheres Adrian?" i asked her and gave her a hug hello.

"Oh he's spending lunch with Brigitte and Amelia. they wanted me to go with them but Ireally didn't want to spend time with them together today. Not after last weekend." She said sadly.

Jamie and I had spent quite a few hours at mine last weekend after she'd spent the day with Brigitte, Amelia and Adrian. It had been hell for her, seeing them together. It wasn't Adrian's fault, of course, he didn't know Jamie felt this way, he had a crush, everyone had crushes. I also talked to her about Dan and how I think I may have feelings for him. She said she'd talk to him, but I begged her not to; i didnt want to bother Dan with my problems.

"I asked Livvy out." I said quietly, staring down at my hands.

"Shit, Phil... come on. Let's go to that tree that no one goes to and cry over our privelaged first world peoblems." I giggled at her. "And also about how shitty life can be."

We headed towards the back of school, no one ever goes there because it's so out of bounds that you get an immediate detention if you're caught there. No one ever risks it, so the teachers never check there anymore, meaning naturally it's where Jamie and I spend 90% of our breaks.

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