Chapter 13

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Adrian's POV

I have to admit, I am looking forward to this dinner tonight. I haven't spoken to Jamie in the past few days much, she's been acting kind of weird around me and ever weirder when Brigitte's nearby. I don't know what's going on, but whatever it I hopefully it might come up tonight.

Brigitte has some sort of dance competition thing today... she's really into physical fitness and stuff, says I should start going on runs with her. Jamie hates PE, like me.

I finally decided to get up and 'face the day' at around 11, went downstairs and chucked some bread in the toaster.

"Mornin'" Dan called from the living room.

"Yep." I replied, my voice still croaky and deep from sleeping. "Where you off to today?" I asked, getting the butter from the fridge and spreading it over the, albeit slightly burnt toast.

"Well, I have had multiple requests for my company from my many admirers." Dan said, coming into the kitchen and jumping up to sit on the counter while dramatically running his hand through hi curly hair. I liked it when me and Dan both had our hair like this, our 'hobbit hair' was something that made us different in private than in public.

"Yet I have, once again, decided to decline them all and stay inside all day." I laughed at him and set the kettle to boil, taking a bite out of my toast and offering Dan the other piece.

"As per usual then." I smirked at him.

"Nah I think I'll meet up with Chris and Peej, but I have a feeling I might end up being a bit of a third wheel if you know what I mean." he raised his eyebrows at me and nodded slowly.

"Are they a thing or...?"

"They say they're not but I totally ship kickthesticks."

"Is that their ship name? I haven't watched enough of their videos to know."

"Yeah. Speaking of videos I haven't made one in ages... maybe I should ask Phil I he wants to make one? Or Jamie... or we could just do another collab."

"I need to make one too so a collab would be good. I don't think I'll do much today; Brigitte's at her dance thing. So I'll just see her tomorrow."

"Remember we're going out-"

"Going out tonight I remember. Now go shower and stuff if you're meeting Chris and PJ." I told Dan and he nodded, turned round and headed back upstairs.

I finished making my coffee and leant against the counter. Noticing a small price of paper abandoned on the table I went across and quickly read it.


Important work thing came up, sorry darlings.

Will be back anon.

Love you both, mum and dad xx'

I sighed. We may as well not have parents for the amount of time they're not around. I took a sip of my coffee.

"So." I said to myself. "What now?"

Jamie's POV

"PHIL are you sure?!" I panicked.

"Yes Jamie you look great! As per usual! Now the real question here is how do I look?!"

I sighed at him and turned to look at myself in the mirror once more. My hair was slightly curled towards the bottom, pinned up at the sides and my make up was done a usual but with dark eyeliner. I had on my light blue skinnies, floral doc martins and my button up plaid shirt, rolled up at the sleeves and tucked into my jeans slightly at the front.

Being his Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن