Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

So... that was interesting. As far as first days go, I guess it was alright.

The schools not bad and the teachers seem to be nice so I'll be set here for the foreseeable future.

After my last class finished I said goodbye to the people I'd made 'friends' with and went towards the gates.

There were a couple of guys there who looked like they were in my year.

When they saw me one tall skinny guy who had black hair smiled at me and waved, before a guy with bright green eyes nudged him in the ribs and whispered something to him.

The dark haired guy shot me an apologetic look and I shrugged, giving him a small smile.

What was all that about?

I've never met this guy in my life?

[Phil's POV

"Hey look it's Adrian!" I told PJ and Chris and started to wave at the boy across the way.

PJ elbowed me in the ribs and whispered quickly to me- "that's not Adrian, it must be his older brother."

"Oh shit..." I shot the guy an apologetic look and he smile but looked really creeped out.

Well done Phil.]

Dan's POV

I stalked through the gates, looking round for Adrian. He must have gone home already. I'll just walk all by myself then. Thanks Adrian.

It took me a minute to look round and get my bearings, and I headed off in the direction of our new home.


"I'm back." I called when I got into the house.

"Mum and dad had to go on a last minute overnight work thing to London." Adrian replied, coming out of the kitchen with a sandwich in his hand.

"It's just us tonight." He took a bite and sat on the floor in the hall.

That was one of his habits, sitting on the floor wherever he was. I went to sit next to him, taking his sandwich and having a bite before giving it back to him.

"Help yourself to my food, dear brother, but you don't like it. It's marmite and cheese." He laughed at me as I grimaced at what I'd just eaten.

Marmite and cheese?! This boy had some weird ass taste buds.

"So what do you think of the new place?" I asked him.

Me and Adrian used to move around a lot with our parents, and the last school we were at wasn't so great.

"I really like it. I've made a couple of friends already!" he grinned at me.

I was glad he had friends, we didn't have any really I our last school and we just stayed with each other. We are quite close for siblings, we get on so well.

"It's alright I guess." my day had been alright, the people seemed a bit stuck up their own arses but not too bad.

"You made friends huh?" I asked Adrian.

"Yeah, Jamie and a few other guys. They're in your year actually, they're really nice. Hang on, do you think mum and dad would mind if I invited them round tonight?" I thought for a second.

"Nah that'd be fine. Seeing as we're fending for ourselves tonight we'll order a Chinese and you lot can watch a movie or something." I told him.

"Er, Dan, don't think you're getting out of this, you're joining us. You'll like them I promise."

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