Chapter 5

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Dan's POV

The four of them left a couple of hours later, so after Adrian and I had cleared up I told him I was tired and going to bed.

"By going to bed, you mean staying up until 4am replying to people on twitter, don't you?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, what else am I supposed to do all night?" I joked, and ran upstairs.

Instead of sitting on tumblr and twitter for hours, I decided to check out all of the other guys' YouTube channels.

Amazingphil, crabstickz, kickthepj and confusedmuch.

Phil was just as adorable on screen as he was off. Wait... wait what? Did I really just think that? No, no I didn't.

Chris was just as hilarious if not more so, and PJ was so creative. Jamie was quite different though. She was a lot more confident on camera and had plenty to talk about.

I knew why, as well. When I started my channel I realised that I could be a different person, because no one who I knew would ever watch my videos, so I could create a new version of me. A version of me that, one day, I hoped to fully become.

I watched a few of their videos and before I knew it the clock on my bedside table read '02:34'.

"Brilliant." I muttered, shut my laptop and decided to try and get some sleep.


I was rudely woken up to the sound of my phone vibrating loudly. I groaned and rolled over, but stopped myself from hitting the snooze button.

I dragged myself over to the bathroom and turned the shower on, my eyes still not fully open.

Once I'd finished my shower I dragged a comb through my now curly hair, wrapped a towel round my waist and stumbled back to my room.

I pulled on my black skinny jeans, along with school shirt and tie, rolling the sleeves up on my shirt. Festival bracelets littered my wrists, bringing a small flash of colour into my normally dark wardrobe.

I was straightening my hair when Adrian came into my room, a towel round his waist and a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Do you think they'll let you wear them?" he asked, motioning to my jeans and bracelets.

"Well, I'm never taking my bracelets off and they'd better let me wear my jeans." I replied, still concentrating on my hair. "and did you make toast just wearing a towel?" a asked, looking up at him and smirking.

"Nah I made it before I got in the shower. I recon we have about half an hour before we start walking to school." He told me and went to leave my room.

"Right." I said and went back to finishing my hair.

I wet downstairs a few minutes later and found a plate of ready made toast and butter.

"THANKS A!" I called and got a muffled "no problem!" in return.

I grabbed some Nutella and a knife and piled the gooey chocolate spread onto the toast. I walked into the lounge and slumped down onto the sofa, watching a couple of episodes of adventure time before realising it was time to set off.

I quickly brushed my teeth and fixed my hair, before grabbing my bag and calling Adrian.


Adrian's POV

Dan and I walked to school slowly, taking in the route and talking about the day ahead.

"What classes do you have today then?" Dan asked. I grabbed my planner from my bag and scanned my eyes across it.

"Nothing too exciting. I have PE today," I motioned to the other bag I was carrying, containing PE shorts, a polo shirt and some trainers. "so that should be fun." I said sarcastically.

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