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Sometimes I regret just about everything. Starting from the choices I hadn't made.

And from the very day I ran away from home with my little sister, Alexandra Nelson. Though I had always been fond of animals and the wild; loved the old days, and the past years when I was little.

I used to feel almost completely carefree in the wilderness. Of course, this is exaggerated; my few problems and struggles were learning hardcore science, not that my sister liked it any better than I did. We lived in a little one story house in the middle of nowhere, surrounded mostly by tall, thick trees.

And yes of course I have parents, but it's just they're so busy with work that my childhood wasn't like any others. My mother would homeschool us in her free time while she isn't busy healing and helping wild animals. Don't worry though, she wasn't harmed anymore than maybe some scratch marks and bruises, sometimes something more serious but that was rare.

While my mother had the job as a vet, my dad would do his job as a scientist.

He'd stay outside of our house for hours just to study animals and wild life. Luckily like I have mentioned, I do have a little sister, Alexandra, to comfort me so that I'm not always lonely. We used to birdwatch, play with our pet dog Maggan, and sometimes go swimming in a nearby lake together. We'd study and help each other out with 'schoolwork' given by our mother and gaze at the twinkly stars in the dark night sky before bedtime. We would make wishes on shooting stars and make pinkie promises. Even better, try to keep and fulfill them.

Sure Alexandra can be a pain in the neck, but she was always the best at making me smile and laugh. We did not bother or worry about our riches for as we always thought our family was way more special and valuable.

Well, until this one day when little sly 10-year-old Alex wanted to find out what city life would be like. She wanted me to go with her, so what choice did I have? I couldn't have just let her go by herself and possibly die or get seriously harmed and injured.

So I went with her.

We had to leave behind Maggan because he was asleep, and from all the experiences of trying to wake him up, I know him well enough to be sure that he's gonna bark like crazy when he is disturbed from sleep. Which is more than likely to wake up our parents. Maybe even startle some animals nearby...and that can't be good.

I was fourteen back then and was smart enough to at least remember that we have to pack food and fresh water. We managed to arrive in the city some hours later, and the rest of the memory afterwards is a blurry mess.

I'm not exactly sure how we even managed to survive, but we did and that's what counted. We now live in a apartment together.

But not to soon later did Alex move out.

She now lives in a house by herself, or at least that's what she'd told me.

I 'kinda' learned how to cook, but I usually ended up ordering a pizza instead for dinner every night. But still, she promised me that she would come over and have dinner with me regularly; she can't cook neither. And she has been able to keep up with that promise—maybe only breaking it a several times.

A few months had passed before I enrolled us to school. It started out smoothly but soon turned rough. Not with schoolwork, I enjoy this kind of schoolwork better than being homeschooled, but because of being teased and pushed around. Alex had stood up for herself just about each and every time but I, on the other hand, had soon lost hope and my courage after a few attempts.

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