Chapter Eight: Alex, Out Of All Things-Why a Blind Date?

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"Umm, how about trying to rest your arms by your side?"

I wobbled down the hallway, which was packed with teens. My arms are stretched out on either side of me, trying to balance myself while wearing these...these killer heels. I would much rather prefer wearing flats, thank you.

I hesitated for a few more seconds, then finally allowed my arms to fall down by my side.

I took some more wobbly steps, while kids in front of us parted away from the center to make room; with Abby, Candice, and Hannah next to me. "I've got this," I muttered to myself, trying to sound and feel confident. We are currently heading over to one of our 'hang out' areas. And honestly, I don't know which area they're thinking about. Finally we stopped at a row of lockers (thank gods), and they soon began their gossips after they checked on me.

"Hey, guess what I heard earlier today," Abby squealed, "I heard that there is gonna be a new transfer kid!"

"Oh, so have I! I heard that it's going to be a really cute boy," Hannah said lustfully. Yuck, play-girl.

"A bad boy too. I heard that he's quite the player," Candice said. You are.

"Woah, woah, woah hold on... What?" I ask. Sometimes, I'm just too oblivious.

They all stared at me like I was some alien from outer space. A clueless alien, I might add. "I mean the boy. What boy? How do you even know for sure that it's a boy?" They squinted at me like they think I am indeed an alien from outer space in disguise. And if they just focus hard enough, they'll see my true identity.

"The new transfer kid was—and still is—the trending and hottest topic for today! Like, everyone from this school is gossiping about that kid!" They said in a 'duh' tone. I try to keep back my frown and a snort. Just this morning, I had to apply on makeup (way, way more than usual) and try to fit on this stupid shirt and skirt. Well, for the girls' sake. They would probably complain to me all day about how plain I look, they even called me early this morning to remind me that I have to dress good.

I think the shirt has too much glitter added to it—like I think it can actually blind you by just looking at it—and the skirt is a bit too short for my likings. Plus this hairdo, which is like a waterfall braid, took me up to twenty minutes or so to complete. I had to wake up extra early to do all this, unless I badly wanted a tardy slip—plus a detention one.

 I had to wake up extra early to do all this, unless I badly wanted a tardy slip—plus a detention one

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(A/N- picture of the waterfall braid. I don't own it)

"Alright. What school do you think 'he' transferred from?" I cocked my head slightly to one side. They shrugged carelessly. But that doesn't mean that they're tried of this gossiping. So, they continued their chitchat while I listened and sometimes chatted along.

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