Chapter Twelve: Organizing a...a Tea Party

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        I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the impact. So many images raced through my mind that they're colliding.

        Alex has a gun. I am her target. Alex has pulled the trigger.

        Why am I not dead?

        I did not hear a bang, but I did hear Alex laughing hysterically and felt something wet. Along with Alex's laughs were more people laughing. I slowly pried my eyes open.

        I need to check with the eye doctor, I think may need glasses now—pretty badly.

        "Shiz," I muttered. This just made them laugh even louder and more uncontrollably. You wouldn't believe what Alex had shot me with. The word starts with a 'w' and ends with a 'r'.


        She shot me with an effing water pistol. And she was able to freak me out with it, too. I examined my surroundings and spotted two more young teenagers. Another boy and another girl who I recognize as clear as day.

        Gabby and Rico. Those kids who she calls as friends!

        It'd been a long time since I've last met her friends. Wow, they had grown so much—still hasn't matured much, though.

        As I recall, Gabby is thirteen. Gabby has mostly straight, blond hair with grayish-blueish eyes that might pierce your soul. Her features looks almost perfect, although she still has visible flaws, too. No one can ever be a hundred percent perfect; let's admit it and face it.

        Now as for Rico, he's around fourteen with brunette hair and hazel eyes—maybe with even some freckles dotted here and there.

        But, that does not really explain who this —Theo? Theodore?—guy is. He seems to be the oldest out of all three.

        "Oh. My God," I choked out.

        They giggled and snorted.

        "Alex—Alex, how could you?" I asked, planting a hand over my heart in mock hurt.

        They had to clutch their stomachs, because they're literally laughing so hard. I can see how they can find humor in this, because apparently Alex pointing a gun—even if it has the ability to squirt out water or lemon to temporarily blind me—is really hilarious. Job well done, Alexandra, you've just won an award (paper certificates like those that may be given out in primary schools) for succeeding on pranking your big sister.

        I scoffed and stormed towards her, forcibly dragging her away with me in a second attempt. But she did not stop screaming out cries of laughter.

        "See ya later, Al!" Shouted Gabby between gasps of breath.

        "Oh, and good luck with your sister!" Theo-or-whatever-his-name-is yelled after us. Rico shouted something in agreement.

        "Yeah, good luck with me. You'll need all the luck you can get," I mumbled.


        "Uh-huh, now go on."

        "Theodore is fifteen, has a ten-year-old brother," Alex pauses to think, "and he ice cream."

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