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Hello everyone! I apologize for this not being a chapter but please stick with me here, this is important.

#ProjectTomorrow is a campaign sponsored by WeFuture .

The founders are KelseaCee , WeFutureKhizra , and HiraTheAuthor !


There are tons of worldwide problems and issues. So many that we, as people, can't diminish them all in a snap of our fingers, all in one day. It takes way more than that, much more effort.

Our main priority for this campaign are: the homeless and poverty.

Poverty can effect so many of us without us even realizing. It can have such a big affect on so many children and young people from all around the globe. Children who are in the state of poverty doesn't have the same opportunity as some other kids may have. They can't go to school like normal kids can. They usually can't have meals from 2-3 a day because their parents, if some even have parents, are busy saving the little money that they may have for other important things. They may be saving that amount of money so they can at least afford something bigger. Or for clothes and education.

We can come together, unite as one, to try and help those who are in need. We can try to donate more to charities. It doesn't even have to be money that we donate, even though every penny counts. We can give away the clothes that might not fit us anymore or canned food. There are so many other ways we can do to help those who are homeless or in a bad condition.

We believe that kids, like us, can make a difference. Either big or small. It will still count. Because all of the little changes added altogether will equal a big difference.

So let's help those who hasn't realize how big of a problem poverty really is. Help others truly open their eyes so they can find the right door to a better place. Kids like us are 100% of the future. The choices that we make now will affect how our future turns out to be.

There are many choices.
Choose wisely.

Help others who are in need but don't think of what you will receive- what you will get as sorta like how others will repay you in the end. Bringing a smile to their faces is what should really fill you with happiness.




Now some of us might think that poverty only means being homeless, poor, and maybe even nude. But there's much more to that.

People who are in the state of poverty can sometimes feel hopeless, loss, uncared for, ignored. Feeling like they aren't loved. That nobody bothers to care about them. And that's worse than the feeling of being homeless and poor. You feel like you're all alone, lost in the world to deal with your problems by yourself.

Help them feel different.

Help them feel the opposite of hopelessness.


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