Chapter Seven: I Declare Them Stalkers...

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"Well, what did they tell you?" Naomi ask strictly with crossed arms.

I let out a lazy yawn. I've been sitting here for quite awhile now. "They told me what I've told you," I said flatly.

We're currently at my apartment. I've decided to give them a tour of my place after school, and let them hang out here while we talked. Even though they now know my address, let's just hope that they won't be knocking at my door every few hours or so. Plus, none of them has showed me their place yet.

Jordan eyed me. "Are you sure you're not hiding anything?"


"You're lying," Naomi stated, shaking her head disbelievingly.

"How do you know if I'm lying if you weren't there for yourself?" I challenged with an eyebrow raised.

"Because we all were there, eavesdropping on you and the girls," the three confess rather calmly.

I gaped at them, eyebrows knitted. "You did not."

They all nodded their heads while smirking.

I lean back against the sofa, frowning widely. "What did y'all hear?"

"Enough to stalk you while you four go on a shopping spree," Declan replied, both legs crossed on the coffee table with no manners whatsoever.

"Yup," Naomi agreed, taking a sip from her lemonade with her red straw.

"As much as we hate the Fearsome Threesome, we're going to stalk you for your sake," Jordan smirks again.

"Either if you like it or not," Declan added.

They are literally impossible. I already know that I'll lose against them on this argument. There's no way on changing their minds now. It's official, they're going to follow me and stalk me while I go shopping with Abby, Candice, and Hannah.

Declare me lucky if they don't jump scare me out of the blue...

After a moment of silence, with us doing nothing more than basically breathing and staring at each other, Bennett popped out of the kitchen all of a sudden. He was wearing my apron, that made him look cute while wearing it if I'm honest, and a chef's hat for effect.

"I've got cookies!" He announced.

Our eyes adverted to him instantly. "Where are the cookies?!" We exclaim—and demanded—eagerly as we all stood up and stampede towards him, almost trampling poor Bennett on our way. We surveyed the kitchen for the cookies that Bennett promised.

"Where are they? Where are you hiding them, Bennett?!" Declan and Jordan demanded as they scavenged through the cupboards. I doubt Bennett would be hiding cookies in there, but it won't hurt giving a shot.

"Hand over the cookies!" Naomi wailed, eyeing and searching through the refrigerator from top to bottom. Not the wisest place to search for freshly baked cookies. Hint, hint.

I know they're just exaggerating, well mostly, anyways.

I surveyed my kitchen, leaning against the wall behind me, thinking about how much tidying up I would have to do. I shook my head to get rid of the negative thoughts then my eyes landed on...Bennett. He has recovered from the stampede, luckily, and is now stood leaning on the kitchen table.

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