Chapter Fourteen: It's Me All Right, Princess

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"Then voila, somehow we met and became...friends!" I concluded dramatically, stretching my arms out in front of me.

Naomi's mom guffawed. She nudges her daughter, Naomi, and says between laughs and snorts, "I-I love this girl al-r-ready!" I beamed proudly at her words.

Remember when Bennett were driving us to 'nowhere'? Well we somehow ended up at Naomi's parents' house after visiting a pet shop—that was Jordan's and Declan's idea. How they managed to agree on the same thing, we will never know—and encountering my fake boyfriend, Zayn. We were basically only dating when we're on our school's campus. I know, my pathetic plans. Oh and I was very tempted to beg them to purchase us a pet. The animals were just too adorable!

        Once Marisa calmed down from her laughing fit, she cooed, "Honey, your friends are just too amazing to describe! First, such three handsome guys as friends—" Jordan stage-whispered 'hashtag friend-zoned' "—and now such a wonderful and beautiful young lady as a friend, too."

I unconsciously blushed and smiled shyly as she regarded me as wonderful and beautiful while each boy shoots her a charming smile.

        Naomi grins at the four of us as she spoke to her mom, not breaking eye contact with us four to look at her. "I know, Mom. I feel very lucky to have met these kids. Though I just don't like having to babysit them on a daily basis."

        Jordan pouts. "B-but we thought—"

        "That you—" Bennett continued.

        "Love o-our presence," Declan and I concluded.

        "I do!" Naomi laughs. "It's just you guys can be so annoying some times! Actually, annoying all the time!"

        "And that's why you love us, Naomi," we said simultaneously.

        If only you guys knew just how big of an impact y'all and your contract has made on me for a lifetime.


        "Mm, Marisa, you are such a wonderful cook! This is delicious," I mumbled as I felt the warmth of the spaghetti noodles and meatballs in my mouth. Jordan, Declan, and Bennett nodded in agreement. Naomi also nods then looks at her mother with an upside down frown, the affection she has for her mom clearly displayed in her brown eyes.

        "Thank you, dear. If you would like, I would gladly teach the recipe of this dish to you some point in the future."

        "Oh Marisa, that—" I was cut off short when my iPhone rang. I sent them an apologetic look as I excused myself from the table and headed swiftly to a more private area. I took out my phone from the back pocket of my jean-shorts and answered, pressing it close to my right ear. The other line was quiet from several seconds before a voice spoke up urgently and excitedly.

        "Sis, home! Now!"

        "Why," I whined. "Do I have to? I'm having a blast here at Naomi's house. Oh Alexandra, you won't even believe—"

        "Yes, you have to! Come home now! This is very urgent, you won't believe who's visiting us!"

        "Who is it?" I questioned. But the call was already put on the dial-ringtone, signaling the end of the call. I pocketed my phone with a bit too much force. I cooled myself down, sensing my short-temper is close to exploding. Once I've relaxed, I walked back to the kitchen. They all sent me questioning looks, spaghetti sauce smeared around the corners of their lips.      

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