Chapter 12 - The Call

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Lauren's POV~

I couldn't believe it I'd put my mission on the line. Both Charlotte and Dylan were now in danger. I was such an idiot. I carried on sobbing into Dylan's chest. He didn't ask any further questions, he just held me. After about 20 minutes he left the room to get us some food. I took the time to raid his closet, dragging out an Iron Maiden band tee and a pair of dark grey sweatpants. Getting changed in his en-suite. Before heading downstairs.

*Phone call*

Jackson's POV~

"The plans in motion, although there are some key changes. The girl will not be harmed by you until we give the word. I understand your history; however, she needs to do all she can for us. Before we send her six feet under." A cold voice said. I couldn't speak. Were they really going to eliminate her? I know she was a traitor; however, I didn't think she deserved to die. Even if she did single handily take down half of the association and almost bankrupt the company. I wished I could talk The Boss down, but there was no chance of him giving in. He wanted her dead. She was a dead girl walking. If she'd regained from making deals, dodging cops and double-crossing us maybe she could have lived a full life. But all she considered was profit, stupid girl.

Lauren's POV~

Dylan turned around from the stove. He bit his lip when he saw me stood there. He looked so cute, I almost fell over.

Wait did I smell steak. A huge grin found itself on to my face. "Quit smiling like that, its creepy." He said, earning a light slap on his cheek. I sidestepped him looking at steaks. So hungry. Dylan stepped behind me and tickled my ribs. A had a mini attack while he just laughed at me.

Sorry people short chapter, not much happened.






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