Nico x reader

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Hey again! How you guys doin? Not okay? Ok. I'm bored in class, and the teacher's letting us study for other classes. I love band! Yeah, it's almost the end of the semester, and we don't have midterms because we have like a huge vacation for half of December, all of January, and the most of February. Well, enjoy!


Warnings: Cliché af and  LOTS OF swearing

•|| Narrator's POV ||•
Hanging out with your boyfriend wasn't bad. Actually, it was the best. You just didn't notice this since you were too preoccupied with your phone. Yet, you were confused at old people telling you that this generation was complete fudgesicles.

He was still too gloomy. You were a bright and happy person, but sometimes he was too emotional for even you. But dear gods, you didn't leave him; you loved him.

You woke up one morning to find your specially made demigod-phone (or your phone) missing. It clearly wasn't on your wooden bedside table, and it wasn't on your white dresser. You searched your room, stumbling on strewn about clothes and random debris. Like magic, your phone had once again reappeared on your desk.

"Why do you keep disappearing?" You screamed at your phone. It was Monday at 5:30 AM and it was the first day of school. You cared about first impressions of course, since they are unbelievably of utmost importance. However, the days after those first day jitters- you didn't give a single damn. You met them, great, now back to you.

You scouted your closet for any possible matches. Your heart was beating in your ear, your stomach in your throat- and... ding  ding ding! We have a winner! You went to take a brisk shower and stepped out. Your phone saying 6 AM.

You hastily slid (into your DM's) into your selected clothes of choice, and ran down the stairs. Your mother looked at you, her eyes boring into your back.

"Why are you so late? You know the school bus comes here at 6:30! Maybe you were missing all your friends- but hurry up next time! Thankfully, Nico's picking you up after school since I have the late shift." She  placed your bowl of cereal on the table. You basically swallowed the whole thing in one bite, since you were in such a hurry.

A beep was heard. It was being emitted by the bus, signaling that you only had 5 more minutes. You rushed towards the door (thankfully already having brushed your teeth), and picked up your (fave color) backpack. You almost jumped inside the bus, only then realizing that your shoes were untied.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Your friend called out to you- way back. The bus was beginning the move, and the smaller children sat at the front. You, sat on the back. The slightly vandalized bus was filling up, and your friend thankfully called you out.

(A/N I want to add myself for a bit just because I'm pretending to be Stan Lee... just for a bit tho since I need an OC lol... sorry if it annoys you sometimes that happens to me too)

Heroes of Olympus x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now