Chapter 2

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"Hey C."
"Ehhh, shit. I just.. Fuck. I don't know how to ask you this. Fuck, what was I thinking asking you this. But shit, I need your help."

I could hear his sigh from the other end of the phone. He was worried. Dread filled me.

"A friend of mine, Isaac, he's after being taken, arrested, whatever. Vamps have him. Ryan jumped him last week and took him to Crimson Manor. They're putting him on trial, C. They're saying he killed five of their females and he didn't! Jesus I swear he didn't do it C. They're gonna kill him and they won't listen to any of us. I hate myself for asking you to do this. Christ you don't have to if its too much. But your the only person they'll listen to. Your the only one I can think of that can actually help. Just think about it. Please. Love you C."

I listened to the voicemail over, and over, and over again. All day I had a sick feeling. Now I know why. When I got home from work today I went through my voicemails. I haven't heard from Jackson in over a month now and I was starting to get worried.

Jackson. He was the only family I had left. We aren't blood related but he's been there for me forever. I couldn't remember a time when he wasn't around. He's my rock, he keeps me grounded. With his dirty blonde hair and mint green eyes he could have anyone her wanted, and he knows it too. With serious anger issues and his arrogant yet closed off personality. Women fall at his feet. But with me, he's more care-free. He smiles more, laughs more. God I miss him so much.

And now he wants me to come back there. I had left that place long ago. I couldn't stand the memories that place brought back. Or the people who wanted more from me than I could give. I promised myself long ago that I would never go back.

I knew he would never ask me to go back there. Jackson knew what that place does to me.

Yet he was asking me now, after two centuries, to come back. Because he needed me. Needed my help.

Jackson doesn't trust easy, yet he was panicking over this Isaac being hurt. I know Jax, if he said this guy didn't do it then he didn't do it.

But the vampires, they wouldn't believe it so easily. Especially if he's being put on trial for killing five females. Mother Earth what have they gotten themselves into. The vampires don't ally with other supernaturals. The only people they are loyal to are themselves, vampires.

What am I going to do? I can't go back there, I really can't.

But Jax, he needs help. His friend needs help. I can't let him die. Jax never asks anything of me. He's been with me for over two hundred years, been with me through everything. All my hard times, all my problems. What the fuck am I going to do.

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