Chapter 10

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After my little magic display we talked for a little while longer. What was going to happen next. Who was doing this. Why it was happening. But none of us actually knew the proper reasons for any of those questions. And to say it was frustrating would be an understatement.

Blake left, said he had some things to do. Xavier had to go down under to check up on things. And the rest of us moved to the living room.

Walking in threw the double doors I noticed that the room was massive! The walls were a light golden colour, the wooden floor and furniture all a dark oak. The room was kind of divided in two. The right side of the room held dark brown leather couches and chairs that were slightly worn. There was a 62" TV with all kinds of different consoles contracted up to it. The few windows here and there lit the room up on its own considering it was only three o'clock. The left side of the room was more of a game room than anything. There was a pool table, a foosball table, dart board, an air hockey table and lots and lots of speakers throughout the room. Damn.

"I take it you like the place. Yeah this is more of our games room than our living room," Anna said from beside me. Laughing a little I nodded.

Following her over to the couches where the two boys were I took a seat beside Jessie. Conversation took off but I wasn't really paying attention, my mind turning back towards Xavier and Blake and how they tensed up after finding out that witch was spying on them.

"Kali.." My eyes snapped over to Jax who was sitting beside Isaac looking at me worriedly. Noticing that he had my attention he continued, "You know I didn't exactly want to involve you in any of this and I don't want you to get hurt."

Always so worried about me. Never about himself. "Jax I am already involved in whatever this is I just haven't figured out how.. yet. I don't blame you for anything."

"Do you know more than what you've told us? I know how you can be sweetheart."

Outside the sun was unusually bright for a February day. There was still a breeze blowing the leaves that had grown back on the trees. Watching the outside world I let my mind drift as I answered him, "No but something keeps nagging at me but I can't hear it properly. It's like it's being said over and over again but there something separating us. Separating me from hearing it."

"I would have gone with you."

I knew this would come up eventually. Always trying to protect me. A small smile fell onto my lips.

"I know you would have. But I wanted to do it alone. They need me Jax and I don't know if I'm strong enough to help them the way that they need me too. They need me to be someone I'm not. I don't think I can do that. I'm not strong enough. My people need someone stronger than me."

"Don't. You. Dare. Ever say that your not strong. Your not aloud to talk about yourself like that. Your the strongest damn person that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and your the best person to help them. Your the only one strong enough to control and help them all."


Watching the world outside it seems so simple. But I'm not that person and I don't think I can be. But I'll help however I can. And I knew what I had to do. I just had to have the strength to do it.

Yeah, easier said than done.

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