Chapter 16

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Punch. Punch. Punch. Kick. Right hook. Left hook. Punch. Punch. Punch. Left kick. Punch. Punch. Punch.

Seven hours. That's how long I've been beating the crap out of this punching bag. I was on my third bag after destroying the first two within minutes of each other, I was so angry that at first I couldn't control my strength. But now I'm in control. More or less.

The gym was large, nearly the same size of a football field. The sidelines lined with punching bags, mannequins and targets on the left side of the room and on the right were all sorts of weapons, ranging from long-armed swords, daggers, scythes and bows to machine guns, shot guns and hand guns. Between those two was stood a floor to ceiling glass wall with double doors that would bring you to the outside arena. The middle of the room was reserved for hand-to-hand combat or practise.

I could feel they're eyes on me. Jackson, Blake, Xavier, Isaac and Anna. I could hear Jesse making her way towards us from the end of the hall outside the closed double doors. All the doors here seemed to be double. They'd been watching me for a good hour now. Whispering together, thinking I couldn't hear them.

And any normal supernatural wouldn't be able to hear them they were speaking that low. But I wasn't normal.

Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch.

Jesse walked into the room and wet straight to Xavier. Whispering in his ear, "Mason is on his way. He'll be here by dawn and he says he has news. He didn't sound happy Xavier."

Xavier just nodded at the information and looked to Isaac. "You can go. Just do anything stupid, we don't need another surprise visit from any of the leaders."

Isaac nodded with smirk planted in his face. I could feel his excitement to get back out and do what he does best.

"We need to know exactly who's behind all this," Anna's voice was slightly hard when talking about all the killings and the fact that the blame was placed on her mate wouldn't make the situation lighter for her.

Surprisingly, Blake was the one who spoke up next, his voice like a blanket of darkness, smooth and graceful, "We need to find out why they've been killing the magic wielders. It has to mean something. They picked specific locations and specific people. Why."

Using more of my strength than necessary, I delivered a perfect round-house kick to the punching bag forcing the chains that were holding it to snap, and sending it flying towards the glass wall. Without looking at the bag as it flew through the air I lifted my arm like I was grabbing something from the air. I could feel my magic twirling through my arm all the way up to my finger tips. The bag stopped mid air inches away from the wall.

Lowering my arm, the bag lowered with me sitting it nicely on the ground. Turning around my eyes met Blakes, "Oh it meant something alright," a dark chuckle came from my mouth as my gaze turned to Jackson, "We'll find out in Salem. The last massacre means the most and it's the only place I haven't been yet."


That voice. I hate when Jackson uses that voice. Soft and desperate. As if he's begging me not to do it. He doesn't think I can handle it.

Rubbing my face I barely whispered the words, "Don't, just don't. I need to do this Jax."

Looking in his eyes I showed him that I needed this. I needed to make this right. And only I could do that. His eyes softened even further and he sighed deeply.

"Fine. But I'm coming with you. I don't like the thought of you being out there on your own, especially there."

Nodding at him I made my way to the door. I stunk of sweat and I needed a shower badly.

"Is she gonna use her powers?" Always the curious one Jesse.

Jax must of nodded. I heard her squeal, actually squeal before declaring, "I'm coming I want to see her voodoo shit."

A smile made its way into my face. Yes I was going to face the place that I've been avoiding for years but I'd have people with me. And if I didn't do it no one would.

I could do this. I can and I will get through the this.

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