Chapter 9

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"When was the last time a witch was here?"

Complete silence. How is it every time I ask a question it gets silent around here. Like Mother Earth I could hear everyone's heart beat stop then speed it again the moment it left my mouth.

Jax subtlety tightened his grip around my stomach. Huh so it's not something they talk about. Well no shit.

I hope you can feel my sarcasm.

"A very, very long time." Isaac must have taught he owed me one cause he seemed hesitant to tell me. I nodded at him gratefully and glanced around the room again.

I could feel her. Her magic was everywhere, wrapped around nearly everything thing in this house but it was mainly focuses on this room.

"Kali?" Jax could just about always read me.

I softened my voice just a little and cringe at Xavier and Blake who had become more still than they already were.

"I'm going to guess and say she didn't leave.. nicely. It hasn't been that long since she's been here," at they're confused and slightly alarmed faces, a sigh escaped me know that I would have to delve further into it. "She hasn't been here herself more like she project herself here. Mainly in this room. Whoever she is, she know that if she came here herself you'd be able to tell. She's been listening and watching you, mostly Xavier and Blake. Her magic is surrounding everything in this house, by how strong her magic is I can tell where she's spent most of her time. She's everywhere in here. Her magic is coiled so tight around everything that she would know who's been here just as they enter this room."

Xavier was gripping the seat so hard the wood started to groan under his strength. "How do you know?" His voice held so much anger that it made the two girls flinch slightly.

Looking him in the eye I answered him, "I can feel her, have since I got here but it slipped my mind last night. She feels familiar to me. Like I've met her before."

"All magic feels familiar to you. You know everyone's magic Kali," Jax decided to be smart and remind me.

I punched his arm and halted at him, "I know that dimwit. But this feels different. I've been in contact with her somewhere I just can't remember where."

He grabbed his arm and stuck his young out at me childishly, "No need to be violent."

Rolling my eyes I looked over towards Xavier again. He really wasn't taking this well. Blake was whispering in his ear and holding his shoulder hard to keep him in place. He was really angry.

"I can get rid of it." Xavier's eyes snapped up to meet mine again, this time they were wary and questioning. I raised my hand and gestured around, "I would be cleansing this house. My power would wipe all traces of her off your land and keep her out."

We kept eye contact for five minutes before he slightly inclined his head. Great! Jumping up from Jax's lap I did a small circle around the room.

"She's going to be so pissed. She'll want you for dead for this. Just thought you should know before you do anything," Anna looked at me and half begged me not to do this with her eyes.

Giving her a cheeky smile, "She won't be able to touch me sweetie, don't worry. Once I have her out she'll stay out. She's powerful but so am I. Thanks for worrying though, your way too sweet."

Closing my eyes I whispered a spell in my head, pushing my power out and out and out. A soft glow lit up the room my witch smiling inside me as I worked my power through out the house and land. I exhaled and the glow sunk into the house and ground, securing the property from and harm getting in.

I opened my eyes to see them all watching me. Plopping back down onto Jax I made myself comfortable.

"That's it?" Always the curious one Jessie.

"Yup. I also strengthened your protection and added a little extra here and there. Believe me, no one is getting into this house if they have any bad intentions."

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