Chapter Fifty One // The End

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- Jade's LAST POV -

I waited patiently outside the school hall, crowds of girls with their boring dates who all looked the same passed me to go inside and enjoy their night. I felt out of place as they stared me up and down in disgust, I must've been the only girl who wasn't wearing a long glittery dress. The music playing inside the Ball was rubbish, it was chart music playing at the loudest volume and I could occasionally hear girls screaming and singing along. The hall had a huge banner on the outside with pumpkins painted on it and the words "Halloween Ball, all Middleway Boarding School Students welcome!".

I kept my head down as more people walked passed me and stared, I almost felt like bailing on the night and hurrying back to my room until I glanced up and saw Amber walking towards me. I was instantly at ease when I saw her smile, she looked like an angel. Her friends walked on and entered the Ball to leave us alone for a moment, I hugged her tightly and she laughed.

"Y-You look amazing" I stuttered in shock, I was lost for words at how she looked and I regretted not making a better effort. Elijah helped me choose a suit the day before and we went with a black suit, white shirt and a red bow to match Amber's dress. My hair was messy but it was the way I liked it.

"Shall we go in?" Amber asked with a wide smile on her face, I nodded and we took hands before walking in. She seemed overly confident and excited for people to see us together which made me adore her even more, I thought she would be scared as most of the girls in our school despise me.

We entered the school hall and Amber gasped, the place looked great. There were orange and black streamers hanging from the ceiling as well as fairy lights covering every wall, some of the teachers were dressed up as monsters and superheroes and there were pumpkins sitting on the table where the food would be later on. I glanced at Amber who was still admiring the room, I watched her with a smile on my face before the music changed and she began to jump around with excitement.

"I love this song! Can we dance? Please?!" She shouted to me, I groaned loudly and refused to take one step on the dance floor. Amber rolled her eyes and Elijah approached us, he pulled her away from me and they began to jump around like idiots in the middle of the floor. I can't dance, it's not my fault! Once the song ended Amber ditched her friends and joined me again, we found two seats in the corner of the room and decided to chill there for a while. Amber watched the other girls dancing and singing at the top of their lungs, she laughed at her friends but then turned to me. I was silent and I felt awful for not being able to enjoy the night with her.

"Are you having fun?!" Amber shouted over the music to me, I nodded slowly and grinned at her. That was a lie. I just wanted to have a deep conversation with Amber but I didn't know how to start it, she continued to watch her friends until I took both of her hands in mine and stared at her.

"Thank you" I muttered nervously, she stared at me weirdly and moved closer as if she didn't hear what I said.

"Thank you!" I shouted while laughing, Amber continued to glare at me like I was crazy. I glanced away awkwardly and she squeezed my hands.

"For what?"

"For never giving up on me, on us. I'm hard to handle and I'm a prick but that doesn't seem to matter to you.. Does it?" I asked her, my hands were violently shaking with nerves and Amber could tell. She rolled her eyes at what I had said before moving even closer to me, I could feel her breath on my face.

"I've always liked you since the day I watched you stick up for yourself, I liked you when you walked off with another girl, I liked you when you beat the shit out of Ashley and I liked you when you tried to out Priya to everybody. I like you a lot, even at your worst and all I want is for us to work, it's important to me.." Amber ranted but in the most calming voice possible, she spoke slowly as if she was trying to make the words stick in my brain. I kissed her softly before thanking her once again.

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