Chapter 2.5 (Bonus)

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Nails? Nami tested the nude nail polish she applied 10 minutes ago and sure enough, it was ready to face the world.


Hair? She pulled her lips back in a fine line and landed in her chair facing her vanity with a gruff. How on earth was she going to style all this hair? Sure she could leave it down like she always did but tomorrow was a special occasion and she wanted to put in some effort. Therefore she decided on an up-do.

Her hair was gathered up in a ponytail and she picked up the brush. Laying right next to it was her phone and she dropped everything and switched it on, abandoning her hair date and made herself comfortable at her bed head.

She had bigger fish to fry.

The time was not in her favour but that was not enough to stop her.


"Hi." She could not wipe the grin off her face after hearing his voice. Feeling so overwhelmed with emotion, she idly twirled a lock of hair around her finger.

"Wow! I was not expecting your call. What a surprise!  I was going to call you at 6. Did you forget?"

"No. I didn't forget... I just needed to talk with you, Luffy."


"You know why."

"I don't think s-"

"Because I like chatting with you."

"Oh yeah. I knew that!" 'Shishishishi' "It made me happy that you called. Do you know why?"


"Because I like chatting with you too."

Nami's mouth twitched.

"Are you smiling right now, Nami?"


"That's good... Me too!"

"Hey, Luffy. The signal's not fuzzy anymore. Are you back from your trip?"

"Yeah. We were able to book an early flight so I'm on my way home now. The jet lag is killing me."

"Get plenty of rest, okay?"


Then there was a small break of comfortable silence.

"You travel a lot for work, huh?"

"Yeah. I do. My team and I go on many awesome adventures- Adventures that I want to tell you all about. I want to tell you about a lot of things, Nami... A month was really a long time."


"Thanks for allowing me to call you everyday since then. I got to learn a great deal about you and I really, really, really want to learn more."

"I too learned more about you, Luffy. And I can't wait till tomorrow. We'll be able to learn more and more."


"Yes. And the day after that."

"And the day after that?"

"And the day after that." Nami laughed more to herself. It amazed her how having a simple conversation with someone made her so through-the-roof happy.

"What I remember most about you is your laugh. I wouldn't mind hearing it everyday... And your smile; The cute way your face crinkles when you smile- I remember those two like if it was only yesterday."

Her face was on fire. Never in a million years would she think that mere words from a man would have such an effect on her.

"Even though we've only met once, Nami, is it weird that I miss you?"

"No... Because I miss you too."

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