Chapter 20.5

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"Wanna do it again? "

In the bathroom, Nami slipped into a black kimono.

The extra sleep did wonders. And she was feeling as energetic as ever like she could run a marathon. The little discomfort she had this morning was non-existent. It was incredible.

Just before leaving her resting husband's arms she gave him a kiss to his temple and hurried out of bed for a quick pee.

After giving her hands and face a wash, she dried off with a clean wash cloth and when she stared at the mirror, she couldn't believe her hair; tossled this way and that. But there was something else. She tried to rub it off but the apparant blush on her face remained. Not to mention the little smile that spread across.

In the midst of her thougts, she brushed out her hair starting at the ends, working her way up to the top. And just when the colour was beginning to fade from her cheeks, her husband called her; now fully awake and desperate for her company since her side of the bed had lost its warmth.


"Yes Luffy?" She responded now idly picking out the shed hair out her brush.

"Oh. You're in the bathroom."

"Yeah. Hungry? We can go make something quick to eat."

"I was wondering..." He trailed off and Nami came into sight leaning against the door post.

"Wondering what?"

"If you wanna do it again?"

Her expression didn't change but she did happen to stare at him for a whole solid minute.

She studied him carefully. Behind his blank stare, there was a level of seriousness. Glancing at the sheet covering his lower half, she smirked and took casual steps over and straddled him.

"... Or not." Luffy gulped but blinked when she got on her knees and leaned down coming inches away from his face. One soft hand on his cheek and he felt a gentle scrape of her nails across his scalp.

Then she spoke. Her tone alluring and sedate. And he was instantly mesmerized.

"If I heard you right, I'd say that you're implying that you want me again. Is that so?"

He nodded.

"I can't hear you."

"I do."

His gaze broke from her hazel eyes to her rosy lips and he moved himself upwards to greet them but was pushed back and the arms that he snaked around her waist, she now held captive above his head.

The little frustrated noise he released didn't go unoticed.


"Because you looked like you were enjoying yourself."

Like she was enjoying herself? That itself was true but it wasn't like that in the beginning.

Luffy treated her with such tender care. Like fine china. He sowed warm kisses all over her body and his hands were gentle when he caressed her skin.

Though breathless, she managed to breathe out her love for him but what she was trying to do was distract herself from the fact of what was about to happen. She thought she was ready but was she really?

Luffy was not aware of her uncertainty until her body arched against his and there was a sudden quake squeeze of his shoulder and a small call of his name; made him look in her eyes and he saw something.

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