Chapter 17.5 ((Bonus))

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"Do you want to talk about it?"

On some days, Monkey D. Luffy's mind became shrouded with anxious thoughts. He questioned everything, even himself. And the enemy called doubt would tend to taunt everything he stood up for and believed in.

Turning the wheel, he drove into his assigned parking lane and turned his vehicle off. In the effort to unravel his thoughts, he adjusted his seat and laid back with his hands behind his head but the more he thought about it, nothing seemed to make any sense.

What he needed was clarity.

Soon, he left the car and walked to the entrance of the apartment. First, he wanted to get home. Just the thought had helped pushed the poison out his mind partially and had created inner joy - A privilege he knew he was fortunate to have.

The first thing that reached him when he opened the door was the sound of the television. Then he saw her; his favourite hello and hardest goodbye.

Seated, her first impulse was to get up and go meet him but he stopped her.

"You don't have to get up," he said and went over himself for his 'welcome back' kiss, complimented with the usual smile. No 'welcome back' kiss was complete without it.

"How was work? Bad day?" She could tell.

"Yeah. It was stressful."

"But you still got through the day."

"I did."

"One of the things I admire about you, Luffy, is how dedicated you are to your job."

"Thanks... You really think so?"

"Absolutely. There will be bad days that may overshadow the good ones from time to time but knowing you, you're not a person that easily gives up."

He tried smiling but gave up and stared at his feet. "After today, I wish you were right."

"Luffy..." Nami couldn't think of anything to say but there was something she could do to help relieve some of the pressure he was going through.

"Turn around." He did as told and showed her his back still entwined in his thoughts.

Nami folded her legs and went closer placing her hands on his shoulders.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna give you a massage. It should make you feel a little better."

"Okay." He had never had one before so he didn't know what to expect.

"Now. What I need you to do for me is to take a deep breath and relax."

Once done, she started kneading the targeted area and he felt like he was on cloud nine.

"Feels good?"

He gave her his approval and Nami continued with a concentrated look on her face. After about 5 minutes she addressed his mood.

"I'm disappointed in you, Luffy. The person you are right now... I don't like him. My husband is the most confident, secure, self-motivated, optimistic person I know."

Under her touch, his muscles tightened and he hung his head low.

"Remember that you have to relax," she said then wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"He may not be the same person now but it's okay. You know why? Because you're human and it's okay to feel like this sometimes."

She leaned back on the armrest and brought him close, resting his back on her chest and he had prodded his feet up for comfort. Soon her fingers were in his hair, gently brushing against his scalp and she planted a kiss on the side of his forehead.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

A shout of unrest came from the television and Nami took the remote and was about to turn it off but was stopped.

"Don't turn it off yet," Luffy said and he pointed at the news, at the images that flashed across the screen and he said, "That is what we discussed today."

The news portrayed the after effects of a bomb attack in a peaceful village found in a developing country and scores of people lost their lives, property and loved ones.

"Dad sent some guys there to scout after some reported suspicious activity but they weren't able to reach in time. It was a failure. He's not pleased with the outcome. Made me know that sometimes these things would happen and that there will always be evil men in the world but I couldn't help but feel discouraged.

Maybe it's because I lost someone close to me so I know exactly what those people are going through."

Nami laid her head against his and nodded into his hair. With hooded eyes and a familiar feel coming from within, she drew him closer.

"I understand," she said and she took Luffy's hand when he reached for hers and Luffy couldn't help but smile.

"Hey Nami. Why do you think bad things happen?"

She lowered the volume off the television and took time to think about what was asked of her.

"In my opinion, it's like asking why good things happen. Good things and bad things have been occurring since the beginning of time. Sometimes, well most of the times, things happen when we least expect it. May cause us great joy or great sorrow.

No matter how one chooses to live their life, no matter how good or bad, it doesn't make them 100% immune to certain things that happen to them. Some people just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. During those times, what they want is more than just pity; They need much more than that.

That's why the world is thankful for people like you, Luffy. Persons who risk their lives to help them build themselves back up again. The work you do is incredibly meaningful and you should be proud.

When you get back out there in the field, I know that you'll aspire to do your best. Because I have faith that you'll continue making a difference in this world. No matter how significant- just like you have done in the past.

I'm proud of you, Luffy."

Luffy's heart swelled with pride and a cloak of calmness overcame him. He took her hand and kissed it causing her to blink.

"You're amazing, Nami. You've inspired me to feel so much better about myself."

"Is that so?" She kissed him in the same spot a second time, a smile adorning her lips. "I'm glad." Glad because he was back to releasing his usual energy.

There was no way she was going to let her husband beat himself up and stand by not saying or doing a thing. Not under her watch. She had to help him recognize his potential because he was the amazing one.

Without warning, Luffy excused himself out from her grasp and before she could question him, he scooped her up in his arms and sat back down with her seated across his lap.

Nami blushed pleasantly after he gave her a sweet, chaste kiss on the cheek and he smiled wide and bright.

"Your turn."

"For what?"

"Tell me about your day."

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