Chapter 22.5

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"I can't live like this anymore."

It was late; around 8:30 at night and a perfect time to call the procrastinating long-nose they called friend.

Now seated, shoulder to shoulder with serious faces. The idiot couple were like strict parents awaiting their child's report card.


"Yo, Usopp."

"Do you guys have me on loud speaker?"

"Cut to the chase," Nami snapped. "Did you ask her or not?"

"... I did."

"Really? Way to go, Usopp! We were rooting for you." 'Shishishishi'

"What did she say?"

"It didn't go so well..."

"Why? What happened?"

"She said that she hated my guts and didn't want to see my face again."

"Huh?! You're kidding."

"No. It's true. Soon after she left and was kidnapped by this gruesome, giant, terrifying monster so it's now up to me, Usopp The Brave, to save her and in turn win her heart."

"Do your best, Usopp. You can do it!"

Nami face-palmed and shook her head at the obvious tell-tale.

"Luffy, he's lying."


"Why don't you just tell us? What really happened?"

Usopp grinned and squared his shoulders, feeling like the most powerful man who ever lived. Thinking that he had left his friends in suspense for more than enough time, he confessed:

"She said yes."

Luffy and Nami looked at each other the same time with smiles spreading from ear to ear. It was Luffy's turn to hold the phone and Nami leaned in ensuring that she didn't miss a word.

"That's great news, Usopp."

"Thanks. But she says that we'll have to wait till she's finished with her studies so we agreed on long-distance."

"It doesn't matter. I'm more surprised that you took so long to ask her out. Was she happy?"

"She was- one of the happiest I've ever seen her. I feared the worst and thought that I was going to be rejected."


"Thanks guys."

Nami and Luffy blinked and tilted their heads.

"What are you thanking us for?"

"The courage and for the push... Don't get me wrong... I've tried asking her out many times before in the past- Kaya's one of the most beautiful, smartest girl I know and she's my good friend- but I've always chickened out- so thank you."

"It was nothing."

"Yeah. Like Nami said, we didn't do anything. You did it all on your own."

Usopp puffed with pride.

"Whatever you say, captain.

Today was great. It was nice hanging out with you again. It has sure been a while."

"... Yeah. It was fun."

"You're the strongest person I know, Luffy... I mean- Do you really have to-"

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