Chapter 18.5

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"Stop looking at me like that."

Nami sucked on her thumb, violated by the rich contents of her mug. She was up bright and early; a Saturday morning preparing some orange peel and ginger tea with a hint of cinnamon for her and Luffy.

She was going to ask him to make her some coffee but opted out and decided to make some early morning tea. He said that he loved her tea. Even said that it was his favourite and Nami was oh-so glad she got her mom to spill the beans about the special recipe. Nodding to herself, proud of the taste and flavour, she took the two mugs and headed over to his room.

Yesterday, Nami had to work all day. Had only left her room to see him off, for bathroom breaks, the occasional snack and to eat some take-out together since the prospect of a home-cooked meal was impossible. She was just that busy. But now when the orders were, signed, sealed and packaged away, she now could make time to spend with him. 'Hubby-time', as she liked to call it.

Love. A word proven best via action rather than word or thought. It was an action that was the basis of life itself since it was impossible for one to display affection if one couldn't love himself first.

Because of love, Luffy and Nami's relationship had not only thrived but had grown a lot stronger.

One downside of love is that it places you in position of service but if done with a willing spirit, it would never be prompted to fail. Although it is ultimately a give and take situation, love required balance.

To Nami, it felt great when her husband did a few errands for her and the voluntary foot rubs as well as other things; but it could not beat the feeling she got when his face glowed whenever she did whatever she could for him. It warmed her heart.

Luffy was sitting up in bed, dressed in his pajamas and in the middle of stretching when she entered. And she praised herself when she saw how extra happy he got at the sight and smell of the tea in his favourite mug. And when she handed it over and climbed in to be near him, he planted a big kiss on her cheek and her already present smile grew even wider.

After some time, both vacant cups were placed on the side table and Luffy laid back down with Nami cuddled up to his side with an open palm on his chest while he had an arm around her waist. Nami had thought that all they were doing was just enjoying each other's presence in the essence of silence until she peeked upwards and locked eyes with him.

He was wearing a half smile with this kind of look on his face and she got slightly irritated.


"Stop what?"

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm still wearing my pajamas from the day before; haven't even showered as yet; my hair is greasy- That's why I have it in this horrid makeshift bun. My eyes are a little red from the lack of sleep and to be completely honest with you, I don't feel pretty right now. So don't- Hey!"

Luffy had stuck his nose in her hair and Nami was mortified. "It doesn't smell bad."

'Thank God.'

"I think that you're pretty."

"Yeah right. What part of me is pretty?"

"Everything." That made her blush. "Especially that booger you have there in your nose." He laughed out loud and Nami's hand flew to cover her nostrils.

"Are you serious?"

"No. I'm just kidding." 'Shishishishi' He received a playful hit to the shoulder and Nami leered at him but had eventually cracked a smile.

"You'll pay for that."

"Hai, hai." His laughter died down. "I'm serious about thinking that you're pretty though."

"Gee. Thanks. I do hope that you'll be saying that in the next 20 years."

"I will. And you don't have to remind me."

Nami's beauty to him had way more to do with more than just her stellar looks. Whether she aged gracefully or not, that didn't matter much to him.

She however, had very much liked what he said and when Luffy had really looked at her again, he saw that she was smiling with her eyes. A sight to behold.

On the day she helped take care of his dad when he had fallen sick, Dragon had looked him dead in the eyes and told him that he better ensured that he treasured his wife because she was a damn good woman. He didn't have to be told twice because he knew that already. She had reminded him countless times.

He was zoning out and with a tap of the shoulder, she had regained his full attention.

"I love you."

His insides tingled and before he could speak she sat up and his hand slid down to her hip.

"There's one more thing."

"What's that?"

"I wanted to see you so badly this morning that I forgot to brush my teeth."

"I didn't get to either. I haven't even left bed as yet."

Their lips still found each other and Luffy now had both arms around her in a secure hold. They went on for a good three minutes and Nami now laid across his torso all dreamy eyed, giggling to herself.

"I wanted to tell you that I love you again but I don't want to sound like a broken record."

"I don't mind... How about you tell me more about what you love about me."

"Fishing for compliments?"


Luffy was a sucker for praise. She too. Then again who wasn't? Nevertheless, she decided to play along.

"I love your arms. When I'm all bundled up in them, I love how they feel like the safest place to be on earth."

"I like that one."

"I knew you would," she said with a curve of her lips,"I most especially love us."


"When I think about the years to come, you're always right there with me. I love that we have a future together."

"Well, I love smiling and laughing together; talking together; drinking tea together. I love everything about us."



"We're awesome together, huh?"

"Yeah." 'Shishishishi'

Luffy now stared at the ceiling and had a set of fingers drumming idly at her lower back. He was thinking about how they could spend the day since they had the entirety of it to themselves.

Nami on the other hand, had noticed that his shirt collar wasn't straight enough and fixed it herself. Smoothing it down, she subconsciously noted that there were two buttons loose but instead of fixing them, being the stickler she was, her fingers were now on the third. All of a sudden, it was super interesting.

"Hey Nami."

She snapped out of her stupor and regarded him. The button was half-way undone but she didn't even realize what she was doing.


"Instead of making breakfast this morning, let's go down to the Baratie and bug Sanji to make us something to eat. It's gonna be fun. What do you say?"

"Let's do it." She got up and was nearly out the door. "First one to get dressed gets to choose what movie we watch tonight."

Now fired up, Luffy scrambled off the bed. The last thing he wanted was to sit through a lame girly film two nights in a row. He smirked and nodded at her challenge before running to the bathroom.

"You're on!"

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