Chapter 1 - Just the beginning

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Witch luck!

Chapter 1 – Just the beginning


They were sending me away, yeah me, and not my sister.

Ok it wasn't just completely my fault as to what had happened. I mean, it was mixture between us both, but to be fair she was a bit worse than me. However, I’m what seventeen already? Give me a break; I’m not a kid anymore to be treated this way. This is the thing with me, I have the worst luck. No really, ever since my mother filled out the birth certificate, I always wondered if I was ever given birth at the wrong moment in time, or something. Because it seemed like I did, but then again it would also affect my sister too and not just only me right?

I already endured being here alone, I had to get here by myself, and that was something. I mean I called many times you know, just to see if they were home. But when no one picked up the phone, it was a bit daunting. I just hoped they didn't get the dates mixed up, that I was supposed to come visit them today, it was already early in the morning. However, being me, I panicked, had they not wanted me anymore? Maybe they heard what kind of bad luck I had still, when was the last time I saw them? I mean you know how crazy shit goes around in the family, which makes you wonder why? Nevertheless, honestly, that was the last thing I wanted right now. Someone forgetting I was even here, which I had a feeling just happened.

I’m in Bay County now, a small city with probably the wealthiest houses around, not a joke. I'm not from here, so I don't know how things run around here. I’m what you might call a "tourist" since I never exactly been out of my area before, except for today that is. Well as you can see, anyone can be fascinated like I was, at the size of the local bus deport, sad I know. What can I do, I practically lived in my area all my life, in my own house without no vacation what so ever.

God, what would I give to go back home, on my couch once again eating Doritos. Having a coke and chilling, guess it’s true what they say ‘There is no place like home’. I mean I can see my sister now enjoying everything, the same way I did, did I forget to mention that she's my twin. Some would say awesome right. No, trust me on this; you wouldn't want one, especially someone like her. I love her and all, but sometimes it’s overwhelming. I mean we looked exactly the same, maybe not that much slightly different perhaps, but she was always the prettier one out of us two and older, which plain sucked I mean.

We both had the same pale creamy complexion, the same red hair which could be mistaken for blood stains, well except for the fact she dyed it auburn recently, and I still kept mine. We still looked the same I mean face-wise, our eyes were the only things that were different, oh and our size she was taller a few inches or so, and a bit more lean unlike me. I mean I had blue eyes, whilst she had beautiful green blue eyes that looked like the sea in the Bahamas, covered with long black lashes. We were in fact as one, we did everything in the same manner, and still I has managed to get in trouble and she didn’t. In addition, I wasn’t even sure if it was because my parents thought I was least of their worries, or something and she wasn’t. Why couldn’t they just send her off instead of me? It was her who ended up being the biggest disappointment and not me. I had only done what I did to protect the people I love, and in the end, it always gets slapped back into my face.

I mean after the argument I had with my parents, they still couldn't get us two right, cause every time we lifted an eyebrow at their questions, we both did it in sync. On the other hand, it’s the same when we swing our hair about, chew or talk. Even then, they still get us mixed up it’s a bit frustrating. I can always imitate my sister, but it’s slightly hard for her to do me. They still couldn't tell us apart, which is why I got sent to my aunts place to live around for summer break, and start in a completely new school and finish off my last year there.

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