Chapter 17 - The body swap

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Witch luck!

Chapter 17 – The body swap


"Mekare are you awake, Mekare are you ok?" The voice was frantic and I was zoning in and out of consciousness when I heard it.

What happened? Was I dreaming? I felt myself touch my lips, and I felt a tingle through my body as I touched it. It was still lingering in my head as to who it was that kissed me, while I was asleep.

"No!” I screamed, my head shot up and I saw my surroundings, this time I was placed on a road, with no end or beginning. Just in the middle, and I noticed the two girl's frantic faces hovering above mine.

"Oh you're awake thank god" I heard, Emilia squealed and I thought that was odd.

"What is going on?" I groaned, I had a killer headache did I get dropped on my head?

"We don't know, we just ended up being here with you, we thought you knew. I mean did you know where you ended up.” Hazel replied concerned, “We don't even know if Reo is here either, we are getting concerned about his whereabouts." I looked at Hazel and blinked rapidly.

"Reo" I whispered, not jogging my memory. "Reo, Reo?" I repeated even more, it rolled of my tongue like some fluent language and I gasped, and I began to tremble. I was searching frantically right now.

"Hey, what's wrong you're scaring us?" I heard Emilia shake me. Moreover, I felt the shock all over again, it was reeling on me now.

Moreover, I stared at the two girls in front of me, frightened to death like I was. How am I going to break it to them, that there buddy somehow died in my arms. And I can still feel him on me like a bad stain? Like a repetitive dream that keeps coming back, but with his death. I felt sick, and I didn't know what to do this time, because I was so confused. So I did what anyone normally would do when they heard something bad, cried. Tears rolled off my cheeks down to my chin as I stared at them.

"Reo's gone.” I cried “He- he died in my arms” I sobbed, I couldn't believe that I was feeling like this. Over someone, I hardly even knew, but he looked so happy when he died. However, I continued to cry; through my tears. I noticed quiet and strong Hazel who was crying silently, and scared and angry Emilia whose face was just blank with shock.

"Oh stop your crying” Emilia screamed I saw her eyes narrow at us. “This is a game, he will be back." Emilia declared, clearly not understanding. Who could blame her, even I doubted this, but I knew Kye was right. We will all die in the real world if someone died here and that made my body ache.

"No Emilia he’s gone” I replied shaking my head. “He died in my arms, I felt him die in my arms, and all that blood that spilled from his body." I replied shakily, remembering made me hurt inside a lot more.

"No” she shouted “I don’t believe you Reo is alive” she declared again adamant. “This stupid game we’re playing, once we finish it we will get him back for sure." Emilia replied and I noticed her lips were trembling; she was forcing herself to much. And I looked at her with sympathy.

Of course, no one would know Reo any better than these two girls right. I guess one could have some hope, but what hope was there when clearly that boy died in my arms. This wasn't just a game anymore it was real. To a point, that we could get stuck here forever if we don't find a way to get out. However, that didn't help the fact that I, automatically went to hug Emilia who I know went stiff with surprise at this gesture.

"What are you doing?" she growled angrily

"Listen, I don't know him very well and I know that you do." I whispered. She stopped struggling. "And I know right now you're in denial, but you have to know I felt him pass away” I replied back as I stared at her face, I felt her shivering. Her eyes were wide with shock and disbelief.

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