Chapter 10 - She's back to hunt

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Witch luck

Chapter 10: She's back to hunt


I mean I have never ever fainted before, but having someone like Blake, come to take you to the infirmary. It’s not so bad, unless of course you wake up at the wrong time like I did. Trust me to do that, I witnessed something I didn’t even want to ever see. It included dear Blake and my cousin for example, the way they acted after was worse, what heartless people.

Meghan was a total bitch and I really hate her, even after leaving home, she always did something that will always break my heart in two. Because they love to do that, my family that is. Haven’t I suffered more than enough in my lifetime, why can’t I just be normal?

So here, we are at school, after having a very terrible volleyball game. I had a major ankle pain from yesterday, since it had swollen even more. Then during volleyball, after the final move someone decided to smash the ball into my face, lucky me. You could hear a chorus of ‘ow’ and ‘ouch’ echoing from the students. However, I fainted before I had a chance to do anything else, oh but we won the game which was a plus. But the minus was none other than waking up from this hideous nightmare, about the guy I knew from my previous school, who suddenly popped up like a very bad thriller.

So after seeing Meghan and Blake lip locking furiously in front of me, when I woke up for like 10 seconds. I went back to sleep again, ignoring the aching pain in my chest. I was devastated more than anything, it hurt me so bad, so when I did wake up again after an hour. I lay looking at the ceilings, until a honey blonde head bobbed up. Moreover, I couldn't make myself see who it was.

Even though it felt like someone had pulled on my heartstrings, and now was playing it like the harp once more. I didn't want to see him at all, what I really wanted to do was avoid him. Now I see his face close to mine, our nose nearly touching. Moreover, I could feel the heat in my cheeks flare by instant, and I tried to get up but ended up bashing his forehead against mine really hard. It sounded like two coconuts knocked against each other.

In return, here we are both, in the nurse room together alone. And I could feel my heart pounding very hard. Ok not only that, I feel as if I was run over by a truck because of my cousin, who I also noticed isn't here this time. I totally can't feel anything in my body, because it's all numb and I'm in pain. I knew he was staring at me, I was so glad I couldn't see his face. Or I swear I would have hyperventilated the least. Nevertheless, I was already a nervous wreck, but I really wanted to know if he was ok. But I didn't want to break the silence, and I could barley think right now.

"Hey you feeling better" he asked and I heard the worry in his voice.

I don't want to say anything, what should I say? Oh for god sake, I'm being stupid he just asked me a question. I should really answer it instead of arguing with my brain. Which seems like I am confiding in too much lately, maybe I have gone crazy.

"Yeah” I didn't sound certain myself, is that all I could come up with?

"I want to speak to you? Can I do that or are you going to avoid me?" he sounded funny.

"Yeah" I mumbled, there was a small knot in my stomach.

"Yeah what? You avoiding me or talking to me?" he sounded really upset, But I should be more upset than him.

I saw Blake step in closer, and at that moment, I started choking on something. My own saliva funny enough, the reason I did this was because of him. He looked totally gorgeous like a male model. His shirt clung to him nicely and my heart fluttered in my chest, because his shirt was open slightly. In addition, I looked away before I fainted again. He then saw me turn a shade of blue; as soon as he did he rushed, to my side grabbed a glass of water and brought it to my lips. I drank it slowly and trying not to look at him while I do this.

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