Chapter 5 - The Foreboding Dream

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Witch luck

Chapter 5: The Foreboding Dream


After that disaster, I managed to say goodbye to the girl. I gave her the violin before I headed off. I looked back to see her smile at me eerily, and I wasn’t sure how I felt after that. I mean even then, I felt a chill go up my spine for some reason. I was back in class and boy was I extremely late! I mean seriously I was being sick of being late. I had everyone laugh at me as soon as I walked in, sweating and looking more unattractive as usual.

Could it be any fairer? I mean I know I deserve much more than people ganging up on me really, because I only live for that purpose. Moreover, I just sat down next to the same boy I was with earlier, the one I was speaking too yesterday, who actually gave me the time and day. He seemed more than amused; I flashed him a weak smile and sat down. Therefore, the lesson continued whilst I just sat there in a daze, it wasn’t long before I nodded off without realising.

Which… (Yawn)…is pretty much (yawn…) I should…


 This is so weird, I never fall asleep in class, am I that tired. I mean I seemed pretty normal to everyone and myself when I walked in class. Hey, this is awkward; I've been here before I mean I think so, I still remember this from somewhere. I looked around the place it was all dark and gloomy; I could see light down the stair hall, the swirly version by the way the ones you see in movies. Yet again, I was transported into another world, what is this dream about.

I don't know why but my legs just decided to walk on their own, I was in a complete daze. I felt my heart beat a skip; this place was so familiar to me. Nevertheless, I have no clue where I was. I fell somewhat scared, my heart feels like someone put weights on it and it was suffocating me. It felt so heavy and I was really confused; I can feel myself breathing faster for some reason, as if I was running about when I wasn’t.

This feels so real; I can touch the paintings on the corridor the paintings of what looked like symbols. I don't know exactly what it was showing as it was still cloaked in the darkness. I was busy with other things to pay attention. Once I landed at the end of the stairs, I just fell into total darkness the feeling in my stomach just churned, and I seriously felt sick. Because I just stared across straight and I didn't see anything, and I felt cold, very very cold. I admit I was scared now, not badly of course but a bit crept out by the darkness. It was all but consuming me deeper while it was getting colder too. Suddenly it became a bit lighter and I felt somewhat relieved but not yet.

The room in front of me looked exactly like grandmothers, wait did I ever see grandma’s room? My brain hurt thinking about it. On the other hand, was this even a dream? Because everything seemed so real, and I wasn’t sure how I would react to this properly. But once I stepped in further into the room, I felt as if I was back in time. The place looked exactly like the one I was in ten years ago, how I knew that was mind boggling to me. Is this part of my memory? Are these the years which I have hidden, are these my nightmares at the back of my head, that I never paid attention to?

"Come to me now" it whispered and it sounded so sad, there it was again that awkward voice, what did it want with me?

"Come child we won't hurt you" whispered another one. I felt the breeze between my ears and I jumped at the touch, it felt like ice and I was shivering.

Was I seriously reminiscing of me when I was a kid nevertheless, that voice it was creepy. I usually do not hear voices in dreams like these, this is so abnormal, I just think I'm going crazy now; this is like the worst possible dream ever. What is going on in my brain?

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