Chapter 4 - The girl & Me and Three piglets

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Witch luck

Chapter 4: The Girl & Me and Three piglets


"Yes I understand mum” I sighed great another thing to deal with a neurotic mother “I get it, I won’t do anything like this again I promise” I cried

Ever since I got my lovely cousin Max into trouble, I am now on his hit list, with my little expedition with the new school. This by the way caused so much trouble, since I entered an area which was strictly forbidden. However, the way my luck was running I got myself and Max into major dilemma. He got kicked off his basketball team until he passes his exams, and was sitting his makeup exams in two months time. In addition, the game was in three weeks. Which is a pretty big deal now, considering he was the best player as well, and also he was not talking to me ever? In return, I got detention for the whole semester. Lovely wasn’t it I kept thinking to myself how close cut everything was.

Seriously, in Bay County already here for 48 hours and look what happens, I've have had worse problems in my life, but this is ridiculous. I mean so what if I trespassed into the stupid building. I mean ok, I might be a bit blind but come on, I didn't know there was a sign. I swear, I would have seen it and this wouldn't have happened. Trust my stupidity to do this, moreover, I sat at the breakfast table this morning and the atmosphere was all tense, and no one was talking. What did I do to deserve this hell, god please someone save me.

"Max I want you to see Keira for the rest of the month, if you don't pull your grades up by next week, we will make sure you will be dropped off the team. Luckily we had Mekare here show us what our son was doing in his spare time" uncle Ted as much as I love him, I just felt like strangling him now. Oh, god please it was like adding more oil to the fire!

This is not good, curse Uncle Ted why did he do that. I stared at Max, who opposite me gave the most disgusted look ever. I literally felt like stabbing myself, next to him Meghan followed with a death glare. The knot in my stomach just tightened and I really felt sick. I felt like running away but instead I sat there like an idiot, and received the most horrific expressions from my cousins.

"You should be thankful we didn't send you off to boarding school Max. All thanks to your cousin, who must I say am pretty proud of right now, since she helped you get back into the team, after the problem she caused and taking the blame" my aunt stared at her son with reproach, then glanced at me with a soft smile. How I wish I could crawl underneath a rock right now where I truly belong.

"Hell no, will I ever be thankful to this idiot, when she was the one who got me into this in the first place! I mean come on don't be fooled by her appearance! She’s just a lumpy girl with no shame, who just came from a farm!" Max slapped his fork down and glared at me, if only looks could kill because it felt like he killed me about a thousand times already. I stared at him with shameful eyes, because I couldn’t deny what he said. Yes, it was mean but it was really my fault.

“There isn’t anything wrong with a farm” I muttered but he continued to growl his frustrations.

"Max, watch what you’re saying, do you have no feelings at all?" my aunt screamed at Max in disgust. Even then, it wouldn’t do well because he was royally pissed.

"No mum, I don't and frankly I don't care, do you know why?” he said laughing slightly, “Because in those 48 hours she has been here with us, has been nothing but a curse. Do you think we would be in this mess if it wasn't for her?" Max's face turned red in pure anger.

 I admit he was right. I couldn't help contain that small smile on my lips a little annoying thing I always did, whenever someone was right. I always smiled but watching him boiled up like that, made me a little happy for what I did, just maybe not a lot as I liked.

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