Chapter 8 - Ignored

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Witch luck

Chapter 8: Ignored


"Well look here what we found? Just the right person too” the girl stared at me, and I felt really annoyed. It was the same one I bumped into that morning, she wanted to beat me.

"What do I have the pleasure of your presence today” I mocked, the last thing I need right now, is someone bugging me, when I'm thinking about serious things.

"God porky chill, we were just going to tell you what were going to do. I thought you might like to find out since you are my cousin and also a soothsayer." Meghan smirked at the remark which disgusted me.

"What are you talking about?" I gritted my teeth, one of the boys, whom I have a dislike already spoke up just then.

"Hey watch it girl, just because you think you’re all that just because you have the power doesn't make you powerful! Don't look down on us." he growled we were having a staring battle right now, and his eyes were like molten yellow so creepy it put chills down my spine.

And at that moment, my eyes twitched and I felt a sudden head rush. This happened before many times, I never knew what was going on and I always freaked out. I put my palms on my eyes at that moment. I stared at the boy again his face was becoming blurry and suddenly everything went black and then white. A sudden head rush came again and then the images flashed towards me at lightning speed, which took my breath away. I felt the veins popping on the side of my face and I covered it with my hand quickly I didn’t want them to notice it.

The boy, I looked into his eyes and suddenly the image was clear. It was bloody and it was terrifying, I nearly broke down by the sudden force of it. I gasped and looked at the gang again who were still talking to me. The only person who looked freaked out was Hazel herself and I knew why. She knew as well, and I was doomed at that moment. I looked up at Emilia who was still talking.

"I didn't even say I was a soothsayer, what in your right mind do you think I'm looking down on you people I'm not." I glared at them seriously, what is wrong with them, did they not notice. My voice quivered at what I said I hope they would just leave me alone, I spoke up but I was terrified not angry.

"Well it looks like miss stick up her ass isn't going to listen to us." the boy spat out and I growled was this boy just stupid! Argh!

"Listen ok Mekare, we need you to come to this meeting seriously. It’s like in week’s time or so" Meghan replied back, and for once, I looked at her beautifully carved features, and saw how cold and serious her eyes were.

"Why is it that important?" I replied I'm curious why she wants me now.

"We just need you ok, look I've never asked you for anything ok. Just trust me on this one." she replied back in her serious tone once again.

"If it’s that important to you, I guess I could come." I muttered. This made the boy and Emilia smirk.

"I need your solemn promise." Meghan declared her face still serious.

"I give you my promise ok." I looked away and then stared back at her again; I noticed the glint in her green eyes. Which made shivers run down my spine, did I make a mistake?

"Great. Let’s go." Meghan moved the boy, Emilia, and they left me staring after them in wonder. What a messed up lunch I was having.

I just find it so hard to figure out how people work. Seriously being a bird would like totally make my day. Then I can crap on the people who have been nasty and really mean to me, aka my cousin and her brother or that freaky coven. I would love to see their faces when the shit falls on them. The thought at least made me chuckle. Guess I should be back at class it was free period great my head was aching now, with all this and so were my eyes this day was getting terrible.

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