Surviving half of day one

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Chapter 4- Surviving half of day one

James played by Luke Hemmings.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

I woke up slowly, the white walls blinding my eyes, Oh yes. I forgot- I’m in my dorm. When I came in last night, I couldn’t be any happier- I have no one to share with!

I looked around once more- There was a royal blue bathroom, an open black high gloss kitchen, a cream couch with a television. And, this bedroom- It had a dark brown cupboard, chest of drawers, desk and this comfy bed.

Not bad. Last night I unpacked all my best clothes and shoes, I took out my toiletries, put my photos of Brittany, Baylor, Daniel, Nick and me on the desk. I was surprised when I food in the cupboards and fridge- cheese, milk, bread, eggs, spaghetti, potatoes, noodles, bananas, cereal, cup soups and basic nourishments.

I yawned, stretched and kicked my way out of bed. I looked in the mirror and saw a monster. Literally.

My hair was tangled, I had light eye bags and my nose was snotty and red! I ran to the bathroom and washed my face thrice with my hands.

I brushed my hair with my silver comb and I brushed my teeth for two minutes. I then went to the kitchen and took out ‘Frosties’ cereal. Where are the bowls? I looked high and low and couldn’t find them- then I saw them.

The most obvious place, but my eyes obviously hate me.  I seized out the milk and ate like a pig.

What? A girl got to eat. I washed up and skipped to my room. Hmm…. What shall I wear?  Something bad ass would be cool. I put on my dark grey skinny jeans, grey tank top, black leather jacket and combat boots.

I curled my hair and applied eye liner and wine red lip gloss. I checked myself in the mirror.

Not bad, Kaylee. Not bad!

I looked totally intimidating! I grabbed my schedule from the worktop. I looked in the mirror once again and jumped sky high with fear, when I heard a knock.

I opened it with a frown on my face. A totally cute guy was there, with his arms crossed. Blonde hair and blue eyes, he was taller than me and had an athlete body- typical! His mouth dropped to his feet when he saw me. 

“They said a new girl was starting…I didn’t expect her to be this…” He wavered his hand around, pointing at me, “…hot.”

I let out a small chuckle, “Nice to meet you to.” I said, leaning against the door frame.

“The names Carter. James Carter.” He shacked hands with me and smiled widely,

“Well, my name is Kaylee Black.” I stated. His eyes bulged out his head,

The Kaylee Black?” He sounded astonished,

“What’s wrong with you guys? There is only one Kaylee Black and that’s me. Is there something wrong with my name or something?” I questioned, as I glared at James.

He put his hands up in surrender and shacked his head, “No offence but, why are you here, everyone knows your parents are loaded and stuff?” He mumbled.

I sighed, “Well, my parents aren’t the best. The idiots wanted me to come here just because they want to save money. Selfish snobs, but I don’t give a Fuck.” I said smudgly.

James nodded, understanding, “So, my next door roomie, let’s see your schedule.” I tossed it to him.

“Well we have all the same subjects!” He cheered, but something sparkled on his face.

My hands immediately shot up to his face, as my eyes glanced at something quite particular. Looling at my index finger, I saw red marks. I looked at James.

"Is this.. lipstick?" I enquired,  mildly startled.

"..... y-yeah. "

“Are you gay?”

“I-You-I….Yeah.” He sighed, “Is it that obvious?”

“Hardly. But gay is okay!” I laughed, he laughed too. He grabbed onto my arm and tugged,

“Come on- we’re going to be late for first period. English.” He said flatly,

“Oh great. My favourite subject!” I said sarcastically.

We went downstairs and into one of the classes, as the corridors started to crowd. We sat in the back row. All the pupils came in and eventually, the teacher did too. She was an old looking hag- Ha-ha!

No, but seriously. She had white hair, wrinkles and her face had a creepy, stern look. She sat on the chair and spoke in her deep voice,

“Text books out Ryland! I want you to read extract 3.2 from Romeo and Juliet. Get on with it!” She screamed.

I waited as the textbooks were handed out and I sat back, discussing things like how boring things are in life.

“So why did you come here?” I asked,

“Well, my dad murdered some guy who owed him money. My mum then couldn’t pay for things and yeah…that’s how I came.” He sighed sadly, I stayed silent- I couldn’t think of what to say.

I turned my head for a second and saw a girl giving me the evils, she had black hair and dull brown eyes. Her body looked too fake, I turned back to James.

“Why is that girl staring at me?” I whispered. He looked back and his head went back in realisation.

“That’s Naomi Turner. And happens to be the school slut- doesn’t matter, she does that to the whole female population.”

I nodded my head and looked back at her, her eyes squinted into glares. I simply stuck my finger at her, and she shrieked loudly.

I smirked, it definitely caught the teachers attention.

“What is the matter Miss. Turner?” The teacher asked, as she peeped through her glasses angrily. Naomi stood up and pointed at me,

“That Bitch thinks she owns the world! She stares at me like I have tw-” She hissed,

“Enough Miss Turner! Miss Black has done nothing wrong, so sit down!” She raged, as there were gasps,

“You’re a Black?” Some random girl shouted out. I stood up.

“Well I happen to be Kaylee Black- got a problem?” I ask, as I cross my arms over my chest. I heard whispers and sniggers, what is wrong with these people?

“What is a snob doing here?”

“She’s a rich Bitch.”

“Wait till the BB boys see her!”

“She’s hot!”

“I want to eat her!”

Okay, the last one is out of hand!

“You know, we all have problems! My family isn’t that rich, you know!” I frustrated shout, as I stormed out the room, ignoring James pleas to come back.

I turned left and saw the main doors to exit.

Jack pot!

I ran round the building and sat on the piled bricks. I weaved my hand through my hair. I’m totally going to die here.

I took out my strawberry lollipop and sucked furiously. My stress reliever.

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