Memories aren't always happy

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Chapter 12- A piece of me died

"The sky is the limit."

I guess my parents have probably seen me as a disappointment. You know; lack of respect, grades, and my enormous mouth that I really can't control. It's not my fault I want to get my point across.

But it's totally my fault, because they always misinterpret it. Then I get a good scolding at. You may have thought:

'Oh she's soo rich!', or 'She's perfect', or even, 'I wish I was her!'.

Well think again. I may live in indulgences, but I know my life is a living nightmare. On the outside, my parents are seen are wealthy, glamourous, welcoming multi-millionaires.

But who has seen their true colours?

In reality, they are stern, workaholic, cruel, robots, who don't give a duck about me. Of course, I only know this. I don't recall one memory of me spending more than an hour with them. In my entire life.

People can see me as an attention seeker, or attention whore, but who are they to judge me? They don't know my life, never have and never will.

My maids and chefs are like second parents to me. Always there to cheer me up when I'm not in the mood to be happy. Something my parents have never done, since he died.

Since the age of fourteen, Brittany and Baylor have been my proper friends. They would either come to mine, or I would go totheirs, for some distraction. But it wouldn't help. Nothing would.

Ever since Blake Greyson passed on, I started to become more arrogant, losing all my dignity along with me.

I began to see the world as a cold-hearted place. Everybody is up to no good, evil fuelling their bodies.

Now you're probably wondering,

'Who is this "Blake" guy?'

Oh, I can describe my life with him for two years, but now I can't. But, I'll try my best.


I was fourteen when I met Blake Greyson. I first saw him as a scruffy, curly haired guy, with cute dimples and startling, sparkling hazelnut eyes.

He was already young, but so mature for his age. He was so sincere and friendly and everyone knew him.

Blake was the type of guy who everyone loved or wanted to be; he wasn't popular, but he wasn't a loner. He had a group of friends, who he would hang out with.

Not to sound like a stalker, but I invaded all his pictures on Instagram and facebook. The more I came across this weird guy; I would feel more fascinated with him. His full-hearted smile would make my heart pump rapidly.

...and I had no idea why.

No wonder all the girls had crushes on him. He was gorgeous, even some of the guys loved him.

The first time I actually talked to him was when our music teacher had paired us up together to sing a song from the topic 'inspiration'.

The moment our eyes met, it felt strange. The background sounds had become blurry, and I kept my gaze on his remarkable face. Even his voice caressed my body and make it feel like jelly.

We did do the project actually. Turns out his voice was blesses, along with the rest of him. We sand a duet of 'Just give me a reason' by P!nk.

It took three weeks practise, sore throats, courage, support and hard work to make it perfect. And we did make it perfect.

He was a talented guitar player, so we used that at the background music. We decided that he would sing the individual parts, whereas I sang the chorus.

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