I didn't see that coming

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Chapter 15- I didn’t see that coming

A/N: I’m sorry not updating for sooo long! My exams are OFFICIALY over, so I’ll try updating every week! Thank you for everything everyone!

“You don’t realise how much you love someone, only when they truly leave your life forever”

Today was a type of day where I wanted to die. I had a killer headache, and my churning stomach was not helping. James had gone to Ohio, to see his sick Granny- leaving me alone. Thinking about it, I haven’t made many friends in this college.

And some enemies too, let’s not forget.

Exiting my chamber, I took out a glass and poured some milk. I then sat my fat ass on the stool and began to drink. Just as it reached the tip of my throat, I spat all the water out. It was disgusting- small bits and it smelt a bit weird too.

Checking the date-I shuddered in horror. It was three days over date- EW! I ran to the sink and continuously washed out my mouth with cold water.

Way to make my day better!

Where the heck do I get some more milk? Do I have to buy it or something? Shaking my head in revulsion, I yearned. Never mind- I’ll stay hungry!

I went back into my room and skimmed in my cupboard, to wear something decent. Deciding on a black mixie skirt and a loose grey top, I quickly slid them on. I added on some red lip stick and small black wedges.

James wasn’t here to pick me up. I sighed in sadness- I wonder how he’s going…hopefully his nana will get well soon. Unfortunately, both of mine are already in Heaven (I hope).

Sliding towards the door, I –weirdly- heard a knock. I jerked to a sudden halt, before dashing to the door. I even ran over a dog toy- which definitely isn’t mine.

Was James back? That’s not possible. Excitement rushed through me, James, James, James!

Regrettably opening the door, my face was clouded with wonder. Reece was standing there, beaming rather sheepishly. Blinking again, I stood there slightly bewildered.

He was wearing black wind pants and a plain white V-neck.  I’ve got to admit- he looks quite cute, especially with that nice dirty blonde fair, and quite frankly, shiny brown eyes.

Clearing my eyes away from his entire body; I wiped the ‘dirt’ off my clothes and smiled casually,

“How can I help you?” I asked, as he laughed nervously. A sweet laugh. But not as cute as Aron’s, off course.

“Well, I was…k-kind of wondering I..um..can walk you home- I mean to class! Yeah, to class. Seeing as J-James isn’t here.” He spluttered, as his hands made indescribable motions.

I smirked at his adorability,

“Sure. Come on.” I replied pleasantly, as I shut the door and start walking through the loud corridors.

Reece sauntered next to me, not daring to look at my weird face. I laughed (quietly), this boy is funny.

And smart. Startlingly, he heard me and looked at me, blushing.

“Er…um…w-what’s funny?” He asked, as we entered the noisy classroom.

I stopped in my tracks, embarrassed faintly, I responded,

“You’re cute.”

Almost promptly, Reece started chocking. More like gasping for air. Rushing to his side, I patted his back; I took a seat next to him.

Smiling genuinely, I took a deep breath as my mind wondered over to Aron. He is undeniably the cutest, wittiest, caring, sweetest, finest, most enigmatic guy I have ever met.

Yet, besides that he’s a gang leader who could easily do anything. I shuddered, what if he’s killed anybody? Well, that’s creepy and I would never want to date a guy like that.

As I curled my hair around my finger, flashes of yesterday surfaced and my heart pounded at the very thought of Aron’s hands on my legs. It didn’t just have my heart running; it had me wanting to devour him whole.

“Miss Black!” The teacher screamed, as I flinched.

“Y-yes?” I avoided the teachers daunting look, and focused of his belly instead. I could sense the whole classes gaze at my direction, which was nerve wracking.

“Answer the question!” He barked like a dog. Quickly I looked at the board as it had stated, 5x+2=2x+17

Looking over to Reece, he mouthed, “5”.

“5.” I grumbled, as the teacher sneered and carried on with the lesson. Facing back to Reece I gave him thumbs up and smiled at him; he grinned.


Today I didn’t feel uneasy seeing him. Even if he made me want to jump him and somehow hide in a corner- I was beginning to feel used to the uncanny feeling.

After the mumble of an answer to my fist colliding with the door, I entered Aron’s dorm. Like every other time, it smelt of mouth-watering cinnamon.

Aron was sat peacefully on his luxurious chair. Thinking about it, why don’t I have a chair like that? Doesn’t matter.

“Hey.” I whispered, making Aron’s eyes open from their resting. He cocked an eyebrow at me, for some reason.

“Oh hey. Didn’t hear you come in.” He got off his chair. My eyes pried on his defined muscles, almost popping through his tight t-shirt.  Clearing my voice, I nodded.

Slowly, I drifted onto a seat. 

As Aron got up, he faced  me:

“Sorry, only have chilled drinks. The dorm mentor caught me having a swig of my Claret. Sorry.” He gave an apologetic smile, as my heart nearly melted.

“It’s fine Aron. It’s just a drink.” I reassured him- my eyes trailing into his gorgeous pools. He left the room for a few seconds, while returning with two glasses of an orange coloured juice.

“It’s tropical juice.” He handed me one. I took a sip, as sweetness filled my mouth. I moaned in delight.

“This is good.” We both chuckled,

“It’s sunpride.” He murmured, as we drank in silence.

Not long after, Aron was looking at me, with an emotion that made my insides stir.

“Kaylee,” He groaned quietly. My head snapped over to his face, as I sank into my chair, “I know that you haven’t done anything wrong, but I want you to listen to me.” He started

My eyes widened, as I nodded for him to continue. I had a funny feeling about this.

“I’ve grown fond of you Kaylee. Your personality and your looks are rather striking.” My hearted pounded, as my hands clutched onto the seat. I bit my lip, staring straight into my eyes.

“I like you- as a friend.  I’m sorry; but I had to test you. I needed information about you.” He whispered sadly. “And I like someone else.”

Instantly, my eyes found his as my mouth dropped open. I couldn’t believe this. I trifled for breaths as my eyes turned into narrow slits.

“What do you mean ‘test me’?" I nearly screamed at the top of my lungs, "What is all this stuff you’re talking about?” I rambled. I got off my chair and crossed my arms around my chest.

“Look Kaylee, I don’t want you to be upse-” I cut him off; he stood up with a look of mere sympathy.

“Upset?! I’m beyond bloody upset you bit-”

“I want you to date Reece.” 

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