Dating them would include..

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Ronnie Radke

Just going to say, Falling in reverse is my absolute Favorite band,  and Ronnie is my, so freaking adorable.  Also, the song has nothing to do with this, it's just really good. ~Andy

~Awkward conversations with the rest of the band while you waited for him.

~"So.. How's This-" - "Don't Ask about the Weather Y/N" 

~You having to control his drunk self after a night out but not being able to stop laughing at him.

~"Ro- No Ronnie stop pull up your pants! Ronald Radke!" - "Butttt I'm so hotttttt!"

~Long kisses before he leaves for Tour

~Him coming up behind you and hugging you.

~Him randomly picking you up 

~"Whoa Ronnie where are we going, put me down!" - "No I wanna carry you." 

~Having lazy days together

~Him eating all the food in he house before you even get home from work

~Waking up to him singing to you

~Singing duets with him 

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