Chapter 13: Payback

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**Some violence... you've been warned**

(F/N) Your Name
(L/N) Last Name
(Y/YT/N) Your Youtube Name
(H/C) Hair Color
(E/C) Eye Color
(F/C) Favorite Color
(Italics) Thoughts
(Bold) Author's Note
(E/N): Ex's Name

Getting off the ground I lunged at him, throwing him off balance and slamming him on to the concrete. He screamed in pain. I began to hit him continuously in his face. I didn't realize that he had stopped moving. I jumped off of him. His chest was still rising and falling, I looked around, no one came. I searched through his pockets and found his phone. Unlocking is I called Max.


"(F/N)? WHERE ARE YOU!" Max asked distraught.

"I don't know," I looked around for a street sign, "I'm on a street called... Angel Street."

"I'm on my way."

After I hung up I called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked.

  "I need an ambulance and police to Angel Street. A man just attacked me, but he's unconscious at the moment." I replied taking a deep breath.

"Okay stay on the phone while I send services out to you."

When the police came they took my side of what happened. As I was speaking to a police officer Max, Joey and Daniel pulled up. They ran to me hugging me. Max was crying.

  "Oh babe..." he touched my forehead, there was scrapes all over the right side of my face from where (E/N) threw me on the ground.

  "I'm okay." I smiled tears in my eyes.

  The paramedics treated me and took (E/N)  to the hospital. The police told me (E/N) will have some serious charges, and I knew I would have to attend court so he would be put behind bars.

When I went back to Joey's house, Joey and Daniel went upstairs to head to bed and I walked out back with Max. There was still peace that needed to be made, but for now we all just wanted peace a quiet.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay... shakey... But I'm okay," I smiled, Max engufled me into a hug.

I began to cry in his arms. This whole thing scared me. I thought that I was going to die tonight. When I began to calm down a bit, I realized Max had been crying too.

"I was so scared (F/N). I thought I was going to lose you again. I don't want to lose you ever again," Max got down on one knee and took my hand, "I may not have a shiny ring, and I may not have a lot. But all I can give you is my unconditional love and support. I love you (F/N) and I can't live without you... Will you marry me?"


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