7 | Center of The World

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"(fresh sangria and lemon tea)" - Center of The World


My mind went blank for a few moments as it unsuccessfully processed the voices it had just heard. Things slowed down and moved further and further away from me. I'm pretty sure there was someone saying my name, but I couldn't quite pinpoint it. The voice got closer and closer until it was right in front of me.

"Avery!" Sophia yelled as she took my shoulders in her hands and began to shake me. My focus shifted back to her, and I blinked my eyes a few times in response.

"Your phone!" she reminded me, picking it up from her floor. Seeing it reminded me why I was dazed just now and I squealed, when the late onset excitement ran through me.

I snatched the phone from Sophia's hand and pressed it tightly to my ear.

"Mom?! Dad?!" I cried ecstatically, basically bouncing in my spot.

"Hello dear! I was scared something had happened. You weren't responding for a minute." my mother fretted into the phone.

"I was just," I sputtered for a moment, looking for the right word. "Excited! I haven't heard your voice in a month."

She laughed airily. "Well that's the point of a remote island darling. The cell service is absolutely awful there."

I chuckled quietly, shaking my head. If my parents really wanted to, they could get cell service on their island because that's the type of money they had.

"Now where are you because we're at home?" she queried and I paled a little.

My parents know I'm bisexual and are perfectly fine with it. But if I told them I was at Sophia's house, it would lead to questions of why and teasing that I'd probably never hear the end of.

I made a few unsure noises before yelling, "I'll be home soon. Bye!"

I ended the call as soon as I ended, and fell back onto Sophia's bed with a small exhale. That was probably more suspicious than the truth, but my brain short circuits under pressure. Maybe they'll be so excited to see me that they'll forget it ever happened.

Sophia looked down at me with furrowed brows. "Is everything okay Avery?"

I turned my head to face her. "Yeah" I breathed contently, smiling dreamily into nothing. My parents are lovely people with beautiful hearts. Just being around them makes me feel better.

"But I have to get home right now," I said, sitting up from Sophia's bed. She pouted, but nodded in understanding nevertheless. I stood up from the bed collecting my things, until Sophia interrupted me.

"Before you go Avery," she started with a nervous caution. I turned to face her with a raised brow. " What do you think about me telling my parents that I'm bisexual?"

"Absolutely not," I objected without needing to think about it.

"First of all, you don't even know if you're bisexual." Sophia threw me a dirty look, and I held up my hand. "And I'm not saying you're not, but that is definitely something you should think about for more than 24 hours. Second of all, do you know if your parents are homophobic or not? You can't just put yourself into dangerous situations like that Sophia."

"First of all, I know I'm bisexual. Second of all, they're my parents Avery. They wouldn't-"

"Sophia, there have been dozens of gay kids who thought that and are now in the ground. You need to check first," I warned and then watched her shoulders sag. I wasn't trying to be mean or despairing, but Sophia was too trusting for her own good. She only pays attention to the good in people, and never even notices that a person is awful.

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