Liam Payne- My Bully, My Boyfriend (1D/Liam Payne fan fic)

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Gemmini is a 15 year old girl who has a hard life. She Self harms, thinks she is worthless and she lives with her Aunt and Uncle after her real parents mistreated her as a baby. Her school life is no better. She attends Doncaster High School and is constantly bullied physically and mentally by these five popular guys at her school. Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn. They have managed to turn the whole school against Gemmini. But what will happen when Liam admits he is falling for her but can't stop bullying her?

This book contains bullying, self harm, attempted suicide and abuse. One Direction are not famous yet in this book! It is all 100% made up, NONE of it is true! Obviously the boys wouldn't do what they do in this book! I'm still going to continue my other book "Saved by One Direction- a Fan  Ficton" But I decided to start this one too, just because I can! Thanks my lovelies for reading, enjoy :-)

Chapter One.

Gemmini P.O.V

Hi. I'm Gemmini although everyone calls me Gem. Yeah, I'm named after a star sign. Sucks doesn't it? I don't know what my Mum was thinking calling me that. Its not like she actually cared about me. Thats why I live with my Aunt and Uncle now.


I lay in my crib, wailing. It was so dark in this room and I was lonely and scared. I wanted my Mum and Dad. My Mum turned up and slapped me across the face. "Shut the fuck up!" she yelled. My Dad used to hit me too. That's all I was. Their punching bag. They always forgot to feed me, change me or even love me. Finally the neighbour heard them hiting me and me screaming. The Neighbour contacted the Police and my parents got arrested. I was placed in the custody of my Aunt and Uncle, who took a whole lot better care of me

*Flashback over*

But my life was still a wreck. I really wasn't meant to be. I sighed. 7am. I'd better get up for school. How I hated school. I have five bullies, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry. They happen to be some of the most popular kids in my school and have managed to turn just about everyone against me. I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and got into the shower. I washed my hair and my entire body. I got out and dried my hair and then brushed it as neatly as I could. I put all my make up on carefully to try and cover any blemishes. I don' t know why I ever bothered though. Its not like anyone cares what I look like. I could come to school looking like a super model or with a bed head and they'd all treat me exactly the same as always. Like shit. I got my school uniform on and then logged onto my Facebook and Twitter before setting out. Nothing new. I grabbed my bags and made the walk to school.

Harry P.O.V

Me and the lads were walking to school as always. We always went the same way, meet up outside Louis's house and then walk down the road, turn and down the alley, then down the side street and were at school. This is the same route Gem took. We always bumped into her. I smirked to myself at the thought. As we were heading down the alley, I spotted Gem. "Hey Gemmini!" I yelled smirking.

"Oh hai whore!" Louis grinned. She didn't say anything back. She looked panicked. So she should. We walked up to her. Louis grabbed her and slammed her against the wall. Louis smashed her into the wall a few more times and then Liam held her there. We all started attacking her. I, Louis, Niall and Zayn started kicking her in the gut. Punching her in the face. I know this sounds weird, but it felt good hurting her. All anger I had, I could release. After some time we left her slumped on the ground and continued on our way to school.

Gemmini P.O.V

Well that was fun. Note the sarcasm. Walking through the alley I spotted the boys. They wasn't looking in my direction so I hoped they wouldn't see me. Unfourtantly Harry did  and soon enough the other boys had. They attacked me. Like they always do. Then they left me for dead. I have no idea why they do it but I wished they didn't. Luckily I wasn't too injured. I had blood but a quick wipe up and reapplying my make up sorted it all out. I headed to school. The morning bell went as soon as I walked in. I had timed it perfectly. I wouldn't get a pre home room beating. I walked into home room and took my seat, at the back alone. I checked my timetable. Lesson 1: Maths. Oh no. Harry is in my maths. Him and his stupid girlfriend, Aimee. Aimee hated my guts too. She always seemed to think I was after Harry for some reason. Ha. As if. Lesson 2: Physics. Louis and Niall were in my Physics class. They sat on the desk behind me. Great. I decided to wait until later before looking at the rest of my timetable because it was just too depressing. By the time I was out of my thoughts the bell for first lesson went. I walked over to Maths and got in my seat. I sat right at the front and Harry and Aimee right at the back. I tried to concentrate on my work but all I could hear was Harry and Aimee making comments about me at the back and everyone around them snickering.

Liam Payne- My Bully, My Boyfriend (1D/Liam Payne fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now