Chapter Eighteen

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I'm so sorry for not updating this story! . I want this chapter to be a really good one, considering we only have 3 chapters left. And something cool but unrelated haha. I am 50% English, 40% Irish and 10% French. Anyway I tried and here is what I came up with. I know its short, sorry

Gemmini P.O.V

I was so proud of Liam and Niall. They had gotten through and had done four of the live shows already. They had sang "Viva la Vida" in week one, "My life would suck without you" in week two, "Nobody knows" in week three and "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" in week four. Last week a girlband had been elimanted, so the boys were defenitly feeling the pressure. They knew they could be elimanated at any time and Liam often worried about it. Like today.

"I'm so scared we are gonna get elimanted. I mean that girlband got elimanted last week, we could be next," Liam worried

"Try not to worry Liam. What will be will be. Just sing your hearts out. I'm sure everything will go fine," I tried to reassure him. Liam smiled at me but it was a nervous smile. Niall tried to act relaxed but he was nervous too, I could tell.

Now I was sat in the X Factor stadium live on TV waiting for the boys to come on. All the acts went on with a lot of cheering and some booing. Finally the words I'd been waiting for, were said

"And now lets give it up for One Direction!"

I sat there excitedly, as the boys walked onto the stage. Liam scanned the crowd and when he saw me, he smiled happily and gave me the thumbs up. The boys sang "Kids In America" I could of cried when Liam sang. He was amazing and the reality hit me, that this wasn't some random kid on stage. This was my boyfriend, the love of my life out there possibly making it big. Who was I kidding? He had already made it big. When we were out together people stopped us on the street "Aren't you that Liam Payne out of that One Direction on X Factor?" They asked. Unless it was young girls, then it was normally "AHHHHH its Li-liam P-Payne AHHHHH!"

Finally at the end of the show, I did in fact cry. The boys had yet again made it through and to think Liam had been so nervous! This was incredible. "I love you Liam!" I yelled "I love you!" I know Liam probably thought it was a fan, but I didn't care. I needed to announce it to everyone.

Louis P.O.V

The weeks on the live shows shot by. It was a lot of work, I'm not going to lie. We was doing a lot of practicing, the Video Diaries, The actual shows and a bit more practice. But I knew it would all be worth it. Or so I hoped. It was the final today. This was it. The most nerve wracking part of the whole X Factor experince. We were performing "Torn"

We walked onto the stage. I glanced around at the audience. People were standing up, cheering. For me, for us. This was so amazing, its just something you don't ever imagine happening. We performed "Torn" as best as we could. I saw the fear in the other boys eyes, and my own heart was pounding, my palms sweaty. But we did it. Now it was the results. And we came third. This was awesome. Okay, so we was hoping for first and would've loved first place, but third isn't bad considering the thousands who orginally auditoned. Our fans were amazing. We couldn't of done any of this without them. I feel like I owe my life to them. And we would be going on the X Factor tour. That would be our first "real" audience.

The tour though. That was another issue really. I was fine to go on tour. All of us were, other than Liam. Everyone in the band was single, other than Liam. I knew he wouldn't want to leave Gem. But we had to try and do something, even if just to keep him on the good side of the band. We could take Gem with us. I mean she'd forgiven us now, hadn't she?

Liam P.O.V

After we came third in the X Factor, the topic of a tour came up. I had already decided. Gem was coming. No way was I leaving her for a few months. I needed her in the audience too at each show we did, to cheer me on. I needed her with me, or else I'll fall apart. "Gem is coming with us on tour," I announced matter of factly to the boys.

"Don't be stupid Liam," Harry groaned

"I'm not being stupid Harry. I'm not leaving her!"

"Well Liam what are you going to do when we go on proper tours? Around the world? She's gonna come then? Good luck convincing any management to let you do that!" Harry spat

"If we ever go on a proper tour,"

"Hey, hey boys!" Louis interuptted "I think it should be okay for Gem to come, I mean its only Liam who has a girlfriend. One more can't hurt,"

"I bet they won't let her," Harry mumbled although he didn't argue.

I went to speak to everyone about it. Simon eventually agreed "Yeah we can do it, I suppose,"

"Thanks so much Simon!" I grinned hugging him

Simon smiled "Calm down Liam!"

I went home to break the news to Gem.

"Honey I'm going on tour with the boys starting in February you know for the X Factor?"

"Oh really? Oh god thats amazing!" Gem said happily

"Yeah it is and your coming,"


"Your coming on tour with us,"

"Seriously? You having me on Liam?"

"I'm not joking Gem. Your coming on tour with us,"

What do you think will happen when on tour? I hope you enjoyed it thats til next chapter, goodbye!

Liam Payne- My Bully, My Boyfriend (1D/Liam Payne fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now