Chapter Twenty

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Sorry guys for lack of updates! I've had a lot going on, so accept my apologies. Thanks guys. I hope this chapter is good ~ Nialler x

Liam P.O.V

Why the hell had Zayn done that? He knew Gem was mine. Not his.

"Zayn why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry Liam. I just kind of like Gem,"

"You what?"

"I have a crush on Gem, Liam,"

"Well it didn't stay a crush did it? You acted upon it!" I said angrily. I had tried to stay calm but now I was fuming.


"How do I know you won't do it again?"

"I won't Liam. I shouldn't of done it in the first place,"

"Too right you shouldn't,"

Zayn sighed "What do you want me to say Liam?"

"I don't want you to say anything. I just want you to leave my girlfriend alone or I'm out this stupid band,"

"We could probably do it without you anyway," Mumbled Zayn. I knew he hadn't meant for me to hear, but I had.

"Well why don't you then? I'm gone!" I shouted, storming out.

I walked into Gem and the boys. "Gem go pack your stuff," I commanded

"Wha-what? Why?" She asked

"The hell?!? Your not kicking her out, are you Liam?" Niall asked in horror

"I wasn't but thats quite a good idea. If I can't trust you to go kiss a band member behind my back,"

"But I didn't Liam! Zayn forced me!" Gem protested (Jimmy again)

"Well you could of fought back!" I shouted. I knew I was being unreasonable but I couldn't help myself.

Louis got up and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Calm down Liam. Go for a walk and think things through,"

"Get your damn hands off me Tomlinson. I can't go for a bloody walk because I'll be mobbed by the fans and paps,"

"Sorry Liam but to put it frank, your being an idiot. You can go for a walk. I'll come if you like. The paps should leave you alone, but the fans have gotten us to where we are so far buddy," Niall said

"I don't want you tagging along Niall. I'll go by myself thanks very much," I said and walked out

Niall P.O.V

Once Liam went out the door, we all glanced around at each other. Zayn then came in.

"What just happened?" Harry asked

"I kissed Gem. Sorry Gem. Where is Liam?" Zayn said

"He's gone for a walk. Well not without having an argument about it," Louis replied

I looked at Gem. "I don't think Liam means anything, like what he just said Gem. I think he is just mad, full of emotion ya know? Hopefully he'll have calmed down, after a walk. Your his world, you know that. Don't take anything to heart,"

"What if Liam still wants me gone?" Gem replied tearfully

"We'll deal with that, if it comes to that," I answered her firmly

"We will have to try and book our ideas up boys. We can't risk pushing Liam's buttons again. I expect that will be the end of us as a band. Cause lets admit it, we won't get far without Liam. He is a very important part of One Direction," Louis said

"I didn't say that to him," Zayn mumbled

"What ya mean?"

"I said to him, that the band will be fine and make it big and stuff without him. But I didn't mean it. I was just embarrased and stuff. I guess that started him,"

Louis shook his head "Nah Zayn I think what started him, was you kissing his girlfriend. And then you saying that just adds insult to injury,"

"Leave it now Louis," I said firmly


"Just leave it. Arguing about it ain't gonna get us very far is it?

Soon enough Liam returned. He walked over to Gem. "I'm sorry Gem. I was mad at stuff. Not you personally. I was being unreasonable," He admitted, biting his bottom lip.

"Okay Li," Gem say embracing him in a hug.

Louis P.O.V

After the Gem- Zayn- Liam business, we had a dull few weeks. It was almost the end of our X Factor tour. We were a little concerned about life as a band, after the tour. But then the news was broken to us via letter.

Dear members of X Factor band "One Direction",

The following people:

Styles, Harry

Tomlinson, Louis

Horan, Niall 

Payne, Liam

Malik, Zayn

Whom are a member of the boyband created on British TV Show "X Factor" In 2010, "One Direction" we wish to invite you to raise your fame.

With us you can go on more tours. Firstly it will be started in the region of the United Kingdom and if succesful we will be able to break out in other countries. We will make mechrandise such as bags, magazines etc for the fans. We can do photoshoots for images to spread around. The more well known of a band you are, the higher your success. As I'm sure your aware boybands typically don't last very long, the average life of one being around two or three years. Basically what I'm pointing at is, you have to make the most of any fame and success whilst its here. With our company, we will make sure that is exactly what happens. We will milk you out and gain as much fame as possible for as long as possble.

We hope you will come to the descion that our company, is the best one for you to go to and will help you make the most of your career. We have been management for many succesful, famous acts. Of course managment simply doesn't just make you famous and send you on tours around the world. We will also provide safety for your band members. If you end up with a large fanbase then safety of band members does indeed become priority and our security will be there for you, providing the best possible protection.

Obviously like all management companies, we do indeed have conditions we require you to agree to, but rest assured if you do decide to agree to our terms and conditions and go with our company, you'll find its a descion you don't regret. Most other management companies, as well meaning as they may be simply don't know how to handle a very succesful act. They are used to only minor acts, who don't last very long. That is fine, but we are a company who have dealt with many succesful acts and know exactly how to handle everything, including the fame they are suddenly plunged into. We only offer our service of management to acts we feel will become very succesful, so indeed it is a compliment and honour on your behalf for us to ask to be your management. Please do contact us with any worries or quiries.

Kind regards

Modest Management

I wasn't sure. And obviously I couldn't come to a descion alone. I went to the boys and showed them the letter

"What do you all think?"

"They sound really good," Liam said

"Yeah," Harry agreed "But google them and stuff first just to make sure they are actually a good company. Very convincing letter though, I must give them that,"

Thats it. I'll do another chapter very shortly.

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