Chapter Sixteen

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Here ya go guys! Enjoy :)

Liam P.O.V

Gem walked out. I ran straight after her. "Gem! Gem! I'm so sorry angel. Its not my fault honest!"

"I know Liam. I'm not mad at you. Honest,"

"Is it just...?"

"The other band members? Yeah. Facing your childhood bullies isn't exactly fun,"

"I'm sorry Gem. But I don't think they'll bully you now," I said gently

"You don't know that Liam! They bullied me months ago! Months ago!" She screamed back at me

"No Gem.."

"And you know what?!? Girls have been saying that I'm only with you because you might be famous. But I'm not. So stuff you and your shitty band Liam!" She yelled and walked out of the building, in tears.

I walked back into the same room the other boys were in.

"Everything okay?" Harry asked

"Does it look like everything is okay?!?" I screamed "Yes Harry my girlfriend is heartbroken because of you dickheads, walks out, says she is being judged by other girls and walks out on me! I am perfectly fine though Harry, of course I can easily get over that!"

"Liam.." Harry began

"Don't Liam me!" I yelled. I was in another world (cool song ;) ) I was out of it, totally. I wasn't really sure what I was doing. I walked straight up to Harry and grabbed him, throwing him on the floor.

"I. Fucking. Hate. You!" I yelled kicking him with every word. Harry lay there wide eyed in terror. Then I felt hands grabbing my body and throwing me to the floor. It was Louis and Zayn.

"Just stop Liam! Its hardly Harry's fault you and your girlfriend had a tiff is it!" Louis yelled at me. "See if this shuts you up!" Then he punched me in the nose. Quickly blood started to flow down my face. Louis gasped. "I'm sorry Liam,"

I looked around. Niall was looking shell shocked in the corner and Zayn was just stood there anxiously. Harry had got himself up and far away from me. This made me even madder. I jumped up and punched Louis in the face. Once I started I couldn't stop though

"This is for hurting my girlfriend!" I yelled and there was blood everywhere. Louis tried to fight back, but I was angry.  Zayn and Harry dragged me away and I reacted instantly, causing Zayn's lip to split with a punch. My kick to Harry's groin caused him to fall in pain. Crying. Oh god. I had let my anger get out of control. Niall grabbed me and dragged me out of the room. Niall looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"Lets get your nose cleared up," He said calmy.

"What I have done Niall?"

"Well you did get a bit well angry. Stay there whilst I get Louis to Hospital,"

I sat there, sorting my bloodied nose out and Niall left.

Niall P.O.V

It was one of the scariest things I've witnessed. Liam just totally flipped out. I've never seen him that mad. I didn't know he had it in him. I wanted to help Louis, but I was scared. I didn't want Liam to turn on me. And why should I help Louis? I hated him, didn't I? Once Zayn had Liam, I decided to go and help. I took Liam away and left him to deal with his nose. I walked back in. Louis was sat there, bloodied everywhere. "We best find Simon. You need a Hospital Louis,"

Harry got up, he wasn't crying and looked a bit embarrased he even had. "I'll go,"

I sat with the boys, thinking of what to say.

"I'm sorry Liam flipped out,"

"Have him and Gem split up then?" Zayn asked

I shrugged "I honestly don't know. They have always been fine together, never a cross word between them. Until today obviously,"

"And does Gem really want a boyfriend like him, one with obviously such a sharp temper?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow

"He loves Gem. I doubt he'd ever take it out on her,"

"So he takes it out on us instead. Figures," Louis said sarcastically

"Lets not argue. This getting along thing is failing horribly so far,"

Harry then came in with Simon. After one look at us Simon shook his head.

"I can't believe this. Harry said Liam flipped out. True?"

I nodded "Yeah,"

"Well looking at the state of Louis, he does need to go to Hospital. Come on Louis. I'll get someone to take you there and then I'll speak to Liam,"

Louis got up and left with Simon. Zayn went to clean his lip up. It was just me and Harry.

"I'm sorry Niall but if this continues, I'd rather leave this band,"

I nodded. "I dare say, I will leave if this continues. Its so stressful. Still maybe it'll all balance out given time,"

"I sure do hope so,"

Gemmini P.O.V

Should I split up with Liam? It was playing on my mind. I didn't want to though. I loved Liam. After a while, I decided to stay with him. I gave him a call. A weak voice answered


"Liam, I'm sorry for before.I don't wanna split up with you. I love you,"

"Good. I love you too Gem,"

"Liam has anything happened? You seem sad,"

"Too right it has," There was a pause and then he decided to pour his heart out "I was upset and angry at the boys after our row. I walked in and Harry asked if everything was okay. I floored him and kicked him, then Louis dragged me off and punched me. I flipped out at Louis and punched him. A lot. His entire face was bloodied. He's in the Hospital now. Zayn and Harry dragged me off Louis and I gave Zayn a split lip and kicked Harry in the nads. Oh Christ, Gem what have I done? They are totally going to kick me out of the band!"

"Liam I'm sure its not as bad as you think it is. They won't kick you out,"


"I promise,"

"Okay. I love you Gem,"

"I love you too Liam,"

I ended the call and slumped onto the sofa. I never knew Liam would do that. Part of me was horrified, I couldn't believe Liam would do that to someone. Part of me was relieved, Liam finally gave them what they deserved. I didn't even know what to feel.

Louis P.O.V

In Hospital, I had a bit of a clean up and a few stiches. It looked worse than it actually was. Someone, I presume was a Police Officer or something came to me.

"Good day Mr Tomlinson. Would you like to press charges?"

I didn't think about it "No,"

"You sure?"


I didn't want to press charges on Liam. I was still praying the band would work out. False hope? I don't know. I know one thing though. I still love Gem. After I was discharged from Hospital, I went to the boys. Liam rushed up to me.

"I'm so sorry Louis. Are you okay?"

I smiled weakly "I'm fine,"

"I feel so bad," He groaned

"Don't. We can still make this work. Can't we boys?"

They all looked at me and nodded. Yes we can make this work.

Haha what do you think will happen? :-)

Liam Payne- My Bully, My Boyfriend (1D/Liam Payne fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now