Chapter Twenty One

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  • Dedicated to All my readers

First off guys, I'm so so sorry I haven't updated since the dinosaurs last roamed the earth. But good news! My school has wifi now, so I have an extra 1.5hrs of  wifi a day. That means I'll be finishing this off and writing a new book :)  The new book will be another 1D fan fic. Hope you've all had a nice few months. And apologies for the grammar mistakes in previous chapters! I'll be editing when I can- Nialler x

Louis P.O.V

It's my job to write a letter back to Modest. I don't know why the others thought I'd be the best writer. I'm not really sure how to word it. 

"Why can't you just ring up Modest and say yeah we'll go with you," I asked

"It wouldn' t sound very professional," Liam replied

"Well you write the damn letter then," I said 

"C'mon Louis be a pal and write the letter,"

I sighed but grabbed the pen and paper and began to write.

Dear Modest Management,

We feel very honoured and privelleged indeed, to be asked if we would like you to be our management. As a band we have carefully considered everything and if your company is the best route to take. Eventually we all agreed that we had to agree with your statement, about other management companies. Very well meaning, but simply unable to handle a large act

What else should I write? I don't want to dawdle on too much, I mean I don't want the guy asleep before he's even half way through the letter. 

We as a band, will not let your company down nor will we put you to shame. We will be an act you are proud of- one you use to advertise your business. All of us have worked so hard to get to this point. Therefore, we are pleased to let you know we would love to be one of your acts. 

Many thanks for asking us on this amazing opportunity. We obviously, have been thinking a great deal about management as if we become succesful (which is a huge priority of ours!) we will need a very good, professional management team. 

Yours Faithfully,

Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik

That was done. 

"Hey Liam, I've wrote the letter,"

"Yeah? Okay,"

Gem P.O.V

I was sat down on Liam's bed, scanning the room and biting my bottom lip nervously. I wasn't sure what to make of anything. A question buzzed around in my head, like a swarm of angry wasps. Did I really love Liam? Did I love Zayn? Did I even love anyone? It was really strange. All of a sudden, I'd been thrust into this world. It was completley alien. 

I must've been deep in thought as Liam looked curious and confused as he walked into the room. He'd just had a shower.

"What's my girl thinking about?" He asked "C'mon you can tell Liam,"

"Oh nothing. Just thinking, like you do sometimes."

He nodded though he didn't seem too reassured. "I do love you Gem,"

"Well why did you get so pissed off before then? If you loved me, why didn't you listen to what I had to say?"

He groaned. "Oh don't start Gem. You know, I might be Liam Payne and all that but I'm human. I got mad and I couldn't think rationally nor could I see sense. You must reliase that when I'm anrgy, you shouldn't listen to a word I say. I just don't think straight,"

"I don't know Liam," I answered.

"Gem, I know what'll cheer you up. Lets make some magic, yeah?"

"I can't fucking believe that you would even suggest it! Here I am pouring my heart out to you, telling you my concerns, hoping you'll respond like a mature adult and try to reassure me, try to work things out.  That's what couples do! You're not a school boy anymore. If all you want is me to have sex with you, you can forget the relationship!"

I left Liam standing like an idiot, in the middle of the room, his jaw hanging open. I marched off out the room.

"Gem? Where are you going?" Niall asked

"As far away from you idiots as possible!" 

Niall P.O.V

"Liam! Liam!" I called "What's up with Gem?"

"Uh I guess I upset her?" Liam replied, as though he was asking a question for us to answer.

"What did you do?" 

"She said that she didn't like how mad I got before so I asked her to have sex, because I thought it'd diffuse the situation but obviously it didn't work," He replied sheepishly, gesturing towards the door

"I honestly think you were slammed against a wall as a kid, Liam." I groaned

I walked out the door. I needed to find Gem. I pounded the pavement, desperate to find her. Although really, I wasn't sure where I was meant to be looking. Suddenly screams rang through my ears.

"NIALL! NIALL! OH MY GOD, IT'S LIKE NIALL! IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING, OH MY JESUS!" I heard as a crowd of teenage girls blocked my every escape route.

"It's erm nice to meet you all, but I'm really in such a rush. My friend is missing and erm,"


"I'm so sorry but I really haven't time." I answered trying to gently push my way through the crowd


I really didn't want to upset our fans. "How about I follow you on twitter instead? Write down your names quick,"

I don't think I've ever seen someone write down something so fast. Pieces of paper were thrown at my face, like confetti. Many of the girls had tears streaming down their face and were clutching each other. I was sure I would have to call an ambulance for some of them, who looked like they were about to collapse and die on the spot.  

Now I was free to go. I ran through the crowd and considered where I should even go. Then it dawned on me. What about the beach? I know Liam and Gem spent a ton of time there. It was one of Gem's favourite places. In paticular, her favourite spot was the very peak of the cliff. 

I clambered up the rocks and that was when I saw her. A tiny, frail figure. Knees bent. About to jump and have her lifeless body crash into the cruel waves. I needed to save a life.

DUN DUN DUN. What do you think will happen next?

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