Chapter Three

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Niall P.O.V

We had put Gem in the Hospital. I felt guility kind of. I mean I never ever intended to Hospitalize her but I had to fit in with the boys and I sort of liked bullying her. I got this strange feeling from it. I loved the feeling of being in control. I could control everything she does. Like the food stuff at lunchtime. I can control and manipulate her enough into buying me food. That was great. When I beat her up I could get rid of any worries or issues I had. Angry? Release it on Gem. Upset? Release it on Gem. It's like when other people take out their worries and stress on themselves by like drugs, drinking, cutting etc. But for me I don't take it out on myself. I take it out on Gem. I know it makes me a terrible person. I know the only word to describe what I do is evil. But there you go. I want to fit in to. Moving from Mullingar to Doncaster was a BIG change. I moved from Ireland, the only place I have ever known to Doncaster which was a completely seperate country. I was desprate to fit into English culture. I met the boys and they became my friend but they bullied Gem. So I helped them out. 

I sometimes thought about what would happen if people knew we were the ones hurting her like this. We wouldn' t just be a couple of mean boys taking out their anger on an innocent girl, which was bad enough in itself. No we would be Crimminals. There was no other way to say it. I know for a fact we would get expelled from School and probably chucked in Prison for years.

Louis P.O.V

*The next day* It was a bright, crisp morning. I was ready for school and sat on my front garden wall waiting for the boys to arrive. Then we could meet Gem and beat the living crap out of her. It was evil to even comprehend doing such a thing, I know. But I couldn't seem to help it. Liam arrived first.

"Hey Lou, anything new?" He asked

"Hey, no not really dude," I smiled

The others quickly arrived. Niall decided to say something about Gem.

"Lou, you know that if we were caught beating up Gem or she told on us, we would be deemed Crimminals, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but nobody's going to catch us. We always have such a good plan its guaranteed not to fail. And Gem won't tell because she know's if she does, she is dead,"

They all nodded. We turned into the Alley. "Oh and there she is," I smirked

 Zayn P.O.V

Once I met Louis, Niall, Liam and Harry we went our usual way, through the alley. Niall was talking about what we do to Gem is against the law. We already knew that. I hate this beating her up shit. It was all Louis's idea originally. I didn't really know too much about why,


Twelve year old me was walking with my two best friends in the whole world. Louis and Liam. We saw Gem with some girls. I never really thought too much about Gem. She was okay, but I guess I didn't  know her enough to pass any judgement. Louis knew her well though. They had attended the same Primary. But Louis had never been friends with her. I moved from Bradford in Year Six, but went to a different Primary than Louis. Liam attended Louis's Primary from Year Five when he moved over from Wolverhampton. "Watch this," Louis smirked. He marched over to Gem.

"Hey Gem!" Louis shouted

"Whats up Louis?" Gem asked

"Come with me," Louis commanded. Gem obeyed and Louis took her round the back of the school, gesturing for me and Liam to follow. We followed. "Hold her there, against that wall Zayn," Louis said

"Why?" I asked

"Because I'm going to twat her. She deserves it, the little whore,"  Louis said a glint in his eye "And if you don't Zayn, I'll twat you and won't be your friend. Liam you look out for anyone,"

Liam Payne- My Bully, My Boyfriend (1D/Liam Payne fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora