Letter of Thanks- April 2017

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It has been 3 years since I last updated this fan fiction and 5 years since I began writing it. I no longer frequent Wattpad very often, but felt the need to write this letter of thanks to everyone who has read and contributed towards this story.

I wrote this story whilst in Junior High. Me and a bunch of friends who were interested in One Direction, all decided to write our own One Direction related fan fiction's and we agreed to read each others work. I based this story off both previous fan fiction's I read and my own experiences of being bullied at the time. This story is as much about bullying as it is about One Direction.

I never imagined this story to be of any interest outside of my immediate friendship group. I have been blown away with how much interest this story gathered. The vast majority of my readers are from the United States and this story has found its way across the country and into every corner of the US. I have had readers from Alaska to Florida and from Colorado to Texas. I have also had readers from the United Kingdom, Canada and India. I would like to say a huge thanks to all of my readers, wherever you are. The support has been truly amazing and bigger than I ever could have expected.

This was the first story I ever wrote. I do still write, although I am not involved with the One Direction fandom anymore and thus there will be no more One Direction stories.

As this story was wrote when I was 12-14 years old, there are quite a few spelling, grammatical and structure errors. I will not be editing or re-writing any parts of this story. It will be left as it is. There are also some scenes in the story that are not properly developed, again this will be left alone.

This will most likely, be the final update of this story. Unlike many other stories I have written on this site, this story will not be deleted and will be left up for all readers, old and new, to enjoy.

So finally, once again, huge thanks to all of my readers and everyone who voted and commented on this story and everyone who supported me. I am eternally grateful and cannot thank the One Direction fandom enough for everything it did for me. So, wether you are a reader who started reading back in 2012, when this story was in it's infancy or a new reader in 2017 or beyond, thank you so much for reading and allowing this story to reach the 4 countries it has reached.

Thank you!!

Liam Payne- My Bully, My Boyfriend (1D/Liam Payne fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now