The Return of the Wives (and the story as I haven't upsated and Goku's Pregnant

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Goku woke up to the sound of familiar screaming. "GOKU WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" His eyes widen and he realized it was ChiChi.

"Uh oh." He said getting out of bed outing on close as he and Turles had "fun" last night then rushes outside. "ChiChi?"

     ChiChi turned to look at him when she heard the sounds of a voice and she smiled. "GOKU!" She cried happily and jumps into his arms and started kisses all over his face.

     "ChiChi stop." He said and she looked at him. "I don't want you doing that and how did you get here?"

     "Goku, Bulma brought me here after you disappeared and Vegeta got permission fr here to help him rule. She thought you probably missed me and wanted me here." She said kissing him again. He pulled away immediately wanting gag. "Goku? What's wrong with you?"

     Goku gulped and set her down then looking behind him to see everyone outside. "I don't love you anymore. Im gay for one and mates to Turles." He said backing away from a now hearbroken ChiChi.

     ChiChi's eyes watered and her face redden with rage. "YOU FUCKING WHORE!" she slapped him tears falling from her eyes. "HOW COULD UOU DO THIS TO ME AND OUR SONS?!"

     Gohan and gotten stepped up. "We aren't bothered by it at all. Actually I'm dating Broly and Goten's dating Trunks. So we found dad being gay too comforting anyways there's no such thing as sexualities here." Gohan told her and ChiChi paled.

"Oh my god you corrupted the kids too!" She yelled hitting Goku with a frying pan. He held his hand Turles running over and picking him up.

"The fuck is wrong with you, bitch?! He's mine so back off!" Turles growled. "He's even pregnant with my cubs." He said ribbon Goku's stomach protectively.

ChiChi felt sick to her stomach suddenly. "H-he's pregnant?!"

Gine's eyes sparkled and she bounded over to Goku. "MY BABY IS GONNA GOVE ME GRANDBABIES?!" She squealed pulling Goku into a death grip mother hug.

     Goku tapped out. "Mom! Mom! Too tight! Too tight!" He choked out.

     Gine loosened her grip but still hugged Goku. "I'm so excited!" She said then looked at Bardock. "Oh honey! Aren't you just excited to have grandbabies?!"

     Bardock rolled his eyes. "Oh sure just another reason to be called old." He said and Gine's eyes saddened and he smiled immediately. "Yes I'm excited Gine."

    She smiled victoriously. Then Goku stood up. "Now ChiChi I think it's best if you just leave." And that she did. After hearing those words se stormed off into a random thicket of trees.

(At the Palace Where Bulma's Returning Went Well)

Bulma went searching on how to get to the palace front where she landed and when she finally arrived she was meant with a handful of guards. "Hey! Move it bucko!" She glares and he laughed until being hit in the back of the head.

     Bulma looked up confused until she saw Vegeta. "Vegeta!" She said happily and jumped into his arms. "I missed you so much!"

     "I-I... uhhh." Vegeta gulped. "I missed y-you too." He choked out. Bulma's heart stoped and she squealed.

     "That's the nicest thing you've ever said Geta!" Se said but then eyed him. "Are you really my Geta?" She asked.

He sighed. "I told my mother, Trunks and Tarble this would happen." He gave her his signature smirk. "Of course it's me." He said before kissing her. "Who else would beat someone up just for you?"

She thought. "Goku to save me but with that smirk I know who you are now." She smiled. Then he carried her inside.

(Back with Goku and Turles)

Goku's just sitting on the bed with Zoey staring at his baby bump. Then he looked at her. "Zoey, I'm scared." He said and she barked and cuddled up on his chest. He smiled at her and then looked at the door when it opened.

     "Hey baby I brought you some cake your mom made." He said and Goku smiled putting out his arms. Turles chuckled and sat behind him and started to feed him the cake. "What's wrong you look sad."

     Goku looked at him and took a breath holding his tummy. "I'm scared. What if something happens." He said lookin at Turles and got a kiss to the forehead in response.

     "I won't let anything happen. I love you and the cubs to much to let anything happen under my watch." He said rubbing Goku's tummy hearing the purr rumble from his chest.

     Goku smiled and kissed him. "Thanks Turles." He said before falling asleep.

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for awhile but here it is! A new chapter! Anyways I was thinking of doing a few chapters of Gohan and Broly's relationship and Goten and Trunks or maybe even Raditz and Nappa's. So comment on if I should. Thanks and bye!)

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