Chapter 2

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Jackson had woken up and is currently sitting at his kitchen table, it is 6.30am and way too early for his liking. He had to go to his internship today, which he didn't quite mind but waking up at 6.00am wasn't his thing.

He'd rather go out with his friends to a party, which he is going to do tonight, if he could get Jinyoung to go too. Because he wasn't going to mom BamBam and Yugyeom.

Speaking of the devil Jinyoung walks in to the living room/kitchen area. He is still in his nightwear and still looks very sleepy, rubbing his eyes with his hands as he makes his way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

The two boys had been living together for about three years now. Nothing was really weird to the two anymore, they both had people over before or walked in to each other when one of them was in the bathroom. 

They were comfortable with each other, to others they sometimes seem like a couple but they know that they're not. Though they didn't mind to be called a couple, it could sometimes get a bit awkward for the two best friends.

"Morning." Jinyoung mumbled sleeply.

"Morning sleepy head." Jackson says and cluckles as he takes another bite of his breakfast, looking down at his phone scrolling through his Facebook.

Jackson eats some more and Jinyoung soon joins him for breakfast. Jackson knows how much Jinyoung likes to go through the day at the beginning of the day so he put his phone down and looks at the slightly younger.

"So why are you up early on this Friday morning?" Jackson asks.

"Well I go to something called college just like you."

"Fair enough, do you have a long day?"

"Not really, I start at 8:00am and end at 3:00pm. What about you?"

"I start at 8:00am too but I finish at 5:00pm."

The younger nods at him.

"But Jinyoung-ah, I have to ask you something though."

"What's up?"

"About that party, it'd b-"

"Jackson I told you, I am not going!" the younger exclaimed.

"Come on, why not?" the older whined.

"I am not going to mom those two brats so you can get drunk, besides I have the early shift at work tomorrow and if it's up to you guys we'll be home at 5:00am."

"Please Jinyoung-ah, it's just a favor."

"No Jackson, I'm not doing it I swear." Jinyoung says a bit frustrated.

He had explained to his best friend several times before that this night, he wasn't going to be with him, but the other just wouldn't leave it alone.

"You're so boring, my god."

"I'd rather be boring then irresponsible."

"Are you implying that I'm irresponsible?" Jackson gets slightly irritated by his comment.

He's not irresponsible, he knows what he's doing and he stays with that statment as long as he has to, to prove to the other that he isn't irresponsible.

"Maybe who knows."

"Well, I'm not going to leave those two alone so I kind of have to go don't I?" Jackson doesn't know what has come up to him but he feels a bit angered now.

"True, listen. Although I won't be coming, know you can always call me okay?" He placed his hand on top of the other.

Jackson's sensitive to the other's touch so he calms down a bit and breaths out heavily.

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