Chapter 15

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Mark is the first one to wake up. The slowly opens his eyes to see the light outside shining through his half blinded curtains. He sighs and looks down to see Jackson still in his arms, his legs thrown over his own underneath the sheets, clinging onto him for his dear life but with a smile on his face.

To Mark, this is the most genuine smile he has ever seen on the boy's face. The smile is content and peaceful and there is just something in the way he smiles. It's the way his lips curve upwards and his lips are a little thinner from the wide smile. It makes Mark's heart flutter, the butterflies escaping from his stomach making him smile down at Jackson.

Mark admires the boy and brushes his hand through the blonde locks of the boy while holding his body strongly pressed to his own.

All of a sudden Jackson frowns and holds his own body closer to Mark's. Mark wonders what is wrong with the boy and with his dearest life hopes he is not having a nightmare. Mark moves his hand to stroke his cheek. Mark shushes him in the hope Jackson hears him and stops frowning.

After thirty seconds Jackson still hasn't stopped frowning and pushing their bodies closer to each other. Mark decides he needs to wake Jackson up, he can't see him in pain like this.

He puts himself up on his elbow and starts shaking Jackson with his hand. He calls out his name while shaking him lightly, not wanting to hurt the other.

Jackson abruptly wakes up and sees Mark staring at him.

"Baby, are you okay?" Mark asks worriedly, his eyes scanning Jackson's facial expression searching and seeking for contentment.

Jackson pants and looks at Mark, his smile making its way to his face again, but it isn't the same smile from before. It's a smile trying to hide he is scared.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright." He answers.

But Mark looks right through him and knows he is not alright.

"Baby, what did you dream about?"

"I don't know what it was exactly but it was scary because you were there but you couldn't do anything for me and god, I felt so scared." Jackson says as the tears are starting to well up in his eyes. He looks down at the sheets and fumbles with them, fighting the tears to not to spill.

Mark sits up and leans his back to the wall.

"Come here" Mark whispers softly as he pats his lap for Jackson to take place. Jackson slowly crawls to Mark. He puts his legs on either side of Mark's thighs and leans in to him.

The younger slowly starts to sob, allowing himself to break down. Mark embraces him with both his arms and pulls him closer. He holds him tightly as Jackson sobs. Mark's heart aches as he hears his beloved boyfriend cry. In the past he already didn't like it when Jackson cried or was sad but now he is his boyfriend his heart aches and it physically hurts Mark to see Jackson like this.

Jackson's silent sobs are the only sound filling the room. Mark gently moves his hand up and runs his fingers through Jackson's hair. The blonde hairs of the boy falling perfectly in to place as he seems to comb Jackson's ruffled hair in to shape. His other hand slowly running up and down the other's back.

Jackson grabs a fist full of Mark's shirt as he feels his tears wetting the other's t-shirt. His breath shortens and quickens as he feels that he can't get enough air anymore to breath. His sobs become louder and he clutches on to Mark's shirt even tighter.

Mark grabs a fluffy blanket from the chair next to the bed and drapes it over Jackson's body. He makes sure one hand is underneath the fluffy blanket to rubs down his back and sides soothingly.

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