Chapter 14

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Mark hurriedly gets out of his bed and walks over to his closet. He grabs a simple black skinny jeans and a pastel pink sweater. He quickly puts them on before walking down the stairs.

He grabs his leather jacket and black baseball cap. He puts them on and sweeps on his black shoes. He heads out with his wallet and keys in his hand.

He starts his car and starts driving to Jackson's place. A nervous feeling aches in his stomach as he gets closer to Jackson's and Jinyoung's apartment.

After a drive quicker than he initiated he pulls up to Jackson's driveway. He steps out of the car and stops for a second as he mentally prepares himself to face Jackson. He lets out a long and shaky breath before walking to Jackson's front door.

He knocks on the door, careful not to wake Jinyoung. A sleepy but adorable looking boy opens the door and Mark can't help but smile.

Jackson sheepishly smiles back before closing the front door softly. He looks adorable. He's wearing skinny jeans and a baby blue sweater with a same colored blue baseball cap. On top of his sweater is a grey jacket and he couldn't have looked more adorable.

Mark holds out his hand and Jackson takes it carefully, squeezing it a little when he grabs ahold of it. A smirk plasters Marks's face and he looks at their hands, fingers intertwined.

Mark leads the way outside to a little park only 5 minutes away from Jackson's apartment.

They silently walk to the park. Both of the boys have a tensed feeling in their stomach. They don't know what is about to come but the silence on top of this unexpected night walk makes them feel tense.

Jackson has no clue what Mark would possibly want to talk about. Of course he has his fantasies and hopes, but he doesn't expect any of that to happen.

They stop in front of a bench. It's not just an average bench, it's old and made of dark wood. It has colored even darker than it originally was because of the rain that has been falling nights before.

Besides that, the park had another special meaning to the two. They had gone to this park and to this specific bench a couple of times before to gaze the stars together. Next to the bench was a dim street lantern to keep the atmosphere comfortable and homely.

Those nights were usually spend with endless talking about all things that were going on in their lives. Those things could be happy or difficult but they always knew that they other would be there, gazing at the stars and not looking at them when they confessed their difficulties.

They usually would sit on the bench and look up at the stars, sometimes even recognizing certain patterns in them and sometimes seeing the most important stars.

But this night was different. They didn't sit down, when Jackson wanted to Mark holds him back and so Jackson stands right in front of him. They looked at each other and they realized the most beautiful star of the universe was right in front of them, staring right back at them.

They both look up and this is definitely the most beautiful night they ever gazed together. The sky full of a thousand stars, flickering and filling the sky with their calming atmosphere.

They look back at each other again and the moonlight hits all the right aspects of their faces and they gloom in the beautiful light.

Mark takes both of Jackson's hands and looks down at them. He admires the long fingers and wide hand palms he holds and holds on to them tightly. Mark rubs his thumbs over the back of Jackson's hands.

He fumbles with Jackson's fingers and caresses the back of his hands, the motions changing every so often. He is still looking down at them and he doesn't notice how Jackson is slightly blushing at his actions.

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