Chapter 16

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Mark finds himself in the supermarket a while later with Jackson. They're grocery shopping for tonight's dinner and Jackson seems to be doing much better than this morning. For Mark it was a relieve to see that the younger is living up again.

"Okay so we'll only need some fish and then we'll be done." Jackson says happily.

Mark chuckles at his boyfriend and pushes the cart over to the fish section. Jackson cheerfully walks in front of him, looking at all the sorts of different fish and other sea animals they have to offer.

Mark maybe shouldn't say it but Jackson's butt does really look great in those jeans he is wearing. Mark wonders what it would be like to touch that ass while kissing him, his hands firmly kneading the skin through the fabric of his jeans, pushing his lips roughly against Jackson's and slowly guiding him to the bed.

How would Jackson react to his touch? Would he like it? What would he sound while moaning his name? All these thoughts rush through Mark's mind as he stares at Jackson's round ass.

"Mark hyung?"

Mark snaps out of his perverted thoughts and looks up at Jackson's face who was just spinning around to start a conversation with him. Mark's ears are slightly red because of his fantasies but he just hopes Jackson won't notice. Mark hums, looking at Jackson to let him know he has his attention.

"Do you think this will be enough for the seven of us?" Jackson questions, pointing at some fish an old woman is holding up for them to look at.

"Yeah that should be enough." He replies casually.

A while later they come home with all their groceries. There is quite a lot and they need to walk a few times from the car to the kitchen to unload everything from the car. The bags are quite heavy aswell which causes both boys to turn all sweaty. It reminds Mark that even though he works at a grocery store and walks around all day, his condition isn't so good.

"Why did we buy so much again?" Mark pants, trying to catch his breath.

"I don't even know." Jackson coughs, his hands resting on his knees and his head down looking at the floor, also trying to catch his breath.

They start putting their groceries away and making everything ready for the dinner.

Before they start making the dinner they decide to rest a bit. They plop down at the couch next to each other, Jackson immediately shifting his head into the crook of Mark's neck and cuddling him closely.

"Jackson-ah, I'm sweaty.." Mark says. He feels all gross and sticky after carrying all those groceries and he feels like he could shower once again now he has done this.

"I don't care Mark I just want to cuddle you. I don't care if you're sweaty." Jackson replies, his body tensing. Mark senses a bit of harshness and uneasiness in his voice.

It's unlike Jackson to reply in such way, he is never so harsh when it comes to cuddling. Of course he said stuff like this sometimes in a joking way but it didn't sound like that now. His voice had another tone and he didn't sound like he was joking around.

Mark brushes his fingers through Jackson's hair and he relaxes. Mark's arm instantly wraps around his boyfriend, giving in to his demands. He lets out a soft sigh as he cuddles closer to Mark and puts a leg over Mark's. He shifts a bit and Mark exactly knows that something he does when he is worrying.

"What's up baby? Are you worried about something?" Mark quizzes.

"I'm just not sure how we're going to tell the others. Like are we just going to say it as soon as they're in? When we're beginning to eat? When we're eating dessert?" Jackson's voice sounds distressed "We can't just drop it like a bomb. Oh my god, do we need to prepare anything? Should we-"

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